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You do realize that We are officially out of the Wild Card


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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Despite dropping 8 of 9, Dan Duquette said today that he is still talking trades w other clubs that would help the team in 2015.</p>— Dan Connolly (@danconnollysun) <a href="
">August 29, 2015</a></blockquote>

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LOL. Are you kidding me? I was a very loud opponent to making any deals at the July 31st saying the Rangers may get second wild card (coming true...). I was more upset we didn't trade what we had for the future.

If DD is looking at deals that can help us out next year, fine.

If it is for this year, he is a moron. An absolute moron. That tells me he will be gone, one way or the other then and just doesn't care.

Seeing this just fires me up. I have criticized DD but still think he is a good GM overall, but I really really hope he doesn't give up anything else for this team. This team will go nowhere in the playoffs. Any amateur fan can tell you that. This stubbornness is getting to be absurd.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Despite dropping 8 of 9, Dan Duquette said today that he is still talking trades w other clubs that would help the team in 2015.</p>— Dan Connolly (@danconnollysun) <a href="
">August 29, 2015</a></blockquote>

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More and more he strikes me as somebody without a plan of what to do about tomorrow. Just do everything you can do hold on today so we can enjoy it while we can.

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It's a flat out disgrace that we are in the situation we are in. We were 4 games from the World Series last year and didn't do a dang thing to improve during the offseason knowing that we would be probably in all likelihood be losing a lot of valuable assets after this year. I firmly believe the Front Office should be embarrassed by their lack of trying. I just don't understand how anyone can look at our offseason and think it was ok. I was furious before the season even began, and now look where we are. This core could have been so much more with just a little bit of help.

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I think the lack of big moves this past season are the new Oriole way.

I think DD's eye being on Toronto did not help things. The effort to add players when we should've been sellers says it all.

This team was never going anywhere even if they wind up winning the last spot. I agree with the poster who said that the last wild card spot is fools gold. It was not good for the Os long term to try and add. Letting Cruz walk while adding Snider and the scrap heap type guys was never going to work.

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LOL. Are you kidding me? I was a very loud opponent to making any deals at the July 31st saying the Rangers may get second wild card (coming true...). I was more upset we didn't trade what we had for the future.

If DD is looking at deals that can help us out next year, fine.

If it is for this year, he is a moron. An absolute moron. That tells me he will be gone, one way or the other then and just doesn't care.

Seeing this just fires me up. I have criticized DD but still think he is a good GM overall, but I really really hope he doesn't give up anything else for this team. This team will go nowhere in the playoffs. Any amateur fan can tell you that. This stubbornness is getting to be absurd.

I agree with your thought here Rene88. However Think calling DD a moron is clearly against board rules.

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Meanwhile, Nero fiddled and Duquette twiddled. Sorry, DD; too little too late. 33 games to go and now he wants to make some moves to help the team? The time to help the team was during the off season. Now, only 3 games separate them from the last place Red Sox for crying out loud.

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Meanwhile, Nero fiddled and Duquette twiddled. Sorry, DD; too little too late. 33 games to go and now he wants to make some moves to help the team? The time to help the team was during the off season. Now, only 3 games separate them from the last place Red Sox for crying out loud.

Wouldn't it be something if they fell to last place. Being so close to the wild card is really a tease because it's not gonna happen and if it did we don't have the starter to win that game. Here's to waiting a few years to be good again

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I'll say it again,we never had the team to win. The O's needed a bat a OF and a Pitcher

that could be counted on when handed the ball. It was a terrible mistake DD made with

the patch work team. I respect Buck for keeping the wheels on for as long as he did

with what he had to work with. I hope Buck continues to manage the O's and is given

some quality FA to work with in 2016. The O'S provided the fans with excitement but

the FO failed the fans.Go O'S.

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