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2015 Chicago Cubs


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Why? I noticed that the Brewers have stolen 4 bases and attempted 5 but just assumed that had something to do with Lester's phobia about throwing to bases.

Oh, that is for sure all on Lester. Ross just can't hit and you can't have 2 auto outs in the line up, when you're also starting 4 rookies.

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I grew up in Chicago and lived there till I was 16. Spent my summers in the bleachers of Wrigley Field and my love of baseball was fostered there. I am a O's fan through and through but I have much love for the Cubbies. Its exciting to see them finally looking legit again and with their young talent, the skies the limit.

Serious question though. If Theo Epstein actually delivers a title to Wrigleyville does that cement his legacy as perhaps the greatest GM of the modern era? I mean snapping either the Red Sox or the Cubs curses would be impressive. Doing both ? That is legendary stuff there IMO.

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I grew up in Chicago, and lived there till I was 16. I spent my summers in the bleachers of Wrigley Field, and my love of baseball was fostered there. I am an O's fan through and through, but I have much love for the Cubbies. Its exciting to see them finally looking legit agai, and with their young talent, the sky is the limit.

Serious question, though. If Theo Epstein actually delivers a title to Wrigleyville, does that cement his legacy as perhaps the greatest GM of the modern era? I mean, snapping either the Red Sox or the Cubs curses would be impressive. Doing both ??? That would be legendary stuff there, IMO.

If the Cubs just made it to the World Series, one could argue that their "curse" will have been broken.

Billy Sianis (the man who was asked to leave Wrigley Field when he brought his goat to Game Four of the World Series in 1945) asserted that the Cubs would never make it back to the World Series ever again ...... and they have not since then.

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27 OUTS: 11 Strikeouts, 7 Groundouts (Including 2 Double Plays), 4 Flyouts, 3 Lineouts

JACOB JOSEPH ARRIETA O(vs. PIRATES, 10/07) O[Wildcard Playoff Game]


H:;; 4 )(4 Singles)

R:l) 0

BB: 0 *

SO: 11

Pitches: 113 (77 Strikes, 36 Balls)

* Arrieta had 2 Hit Batsmen



14 (11 Strikes, 3 Balls)

11 (91 Strikes, 2 Balls)

13 (91 Strikes, 4 Balls)

91 (81 Strikes, 1 Balls)

13 (71 Strikes, 6 Balls)

14 (71 Strikes, 7 Balls)

13 (61 Strikes, 7 Balls)

16 (13 Strikes, 3 Balls)

10 (71 Strikes, 3 Balls)

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Arrieta allowed 3 free passes (2 walks and 1 hit batsman) in only 5.67 innings pitched.

It was the first time that he failed to complete at least 6 innings since June 16th (against the Indians.)

That's a streak of 20 games (19 regular season, 1 postseason) that the Cardinals just broke.

17 OUTS: 9 Strikeouts, 6 Groundouts, 2 Flyouts

JACOB JOSEPH ARRIETA O(vs. CARDINALS, 10/12) O[Divisional Playoff Game]

IP:. 5.67

H:;; 5 )(1 Home Run, 2 Doubles, 2 Singles)

R:l) 4

BB: 2 *

SO: 9

Pitches: 97 (64 Strikes, 33 Balls)

* Arrieta also had 1 Hit Batsman



19 (12 Strikes, 71 Balls)

12 (71 Strikes, 51 Balls)

10 (81 Strikes, 21 Balls)

24 (14 Strikes, 10 Balls)

13 (11 Strikes, 21 Balls)

19 (12 Strikes, 71 Balls) **

** Arrieta recorded 2 outs before departing in the 6th inning.

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9 OUTS: 3 Flyouts, 2 Strikeouts, 2 Lineouts, 1 Groundout, 1 Picked Off of 1st Base

JASON AARON HAMMEL O(vs. CARDINALS, 10/13) O[Divisional Playoff Game]

IP:. 3 - PLUS

H:;; 3 )(1 Home Run, 2 Singles)

R:l) 2

BB: 3

SO: 2

Pitches: 49 (29 Strikes, 20 Balls)



15 (91 Strikes, 6 Balls)

14 (11 Strikes, 3 Balls)

16 (91 Strikes, 7 Balls)

41 (01 Strikes, 4 Balls) *

* Hammel did not record any outs before departing in the 4th inning.

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I can't root for the Cubs.

Someone has to be baseball's b#@$%. Baseball fans got a deluge of entitled moron fans when the Red Sox broke "The Curse" and just became arrogant fartbags that everyone else hates to be around. Had ANYONE outside of Chicago heard of the stupid "Billy Goat Curse" before 2003? The tag-along game that they have to play next to Red Sox fans is ridiculous. I'm watching this game tonight and I've already seen the alive Belushi and John Cusack. Eddie Vedder. Ugh, celebrity fans. What's next, some dumb rom-com about two idiot 20 somethings who fall in love on Waveland Avenue the night the Cubs win the World Series? We've been here before.

I've never liked the Cubs. I've never liked how much attention they've received for just being THE CUBS. How come major media outlets give the Cubs SO much attention just for being losers? "When will the Cubs turn around?" "Is this the year for the Cubs?" It happens every damn spring. Hey, how about some love for the Padres or the Brewers? What, no one loves them? I guess if you're in a major media market you get more exposure for being a loser.

Loveable losers? No one likes a loser. I'm parroting the intro to the Patton movie here...but really, who likes a loser?

I'm sorry, I just can't get behind it. I admittedly rooted for the Sox back in 2004 because I was 23 at the time and thought it was the cool thing to do. They were beating the Yankees and erasing history!! Jump on the bandwagon!! It's the cool thing to do! I bought into it and I've regretted it ever since. I think every sports fan has a dark moment or two in their closet, this one is definitely mine.

I was 23 and didn't know any better. I feel awful for adding karmic energy that helped propel the Sox into the Series for a sweep of the Cardinals.

Before you get all high and mighty and go "But Moose! This is history! It's the CUBS! They haven't won since 1908!!" I want you to ask yourself one thing:

Ask yourself if you had the chance to go back to 2004 and somehow have an influence on the Sox/Yankees series to make the Sox lose and never get to the World Series, would you do it? Because if they don't win in 2004 they probably don't keep the band together and win in 2007. Would you do it? Would you re-write history so that David Cruz, Manny Ramirez and Johnny Damon never won a World Series? Would you re-write history so that the dickbag Sox fans that invaded Camden Yards for so many years after would have no leg to stand on?

Because if you're rooting for the Cubs, that's what you're rooting for here.

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