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Manny Misses Fan Fest (Buck Not Happy).

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No problem with this.

Family first. I was there for the birth of my niece and nephew, sharing that with people I love was an experience that I am so glad to have had.

Really the only people I can see having an issue with this are selfish people.

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OK, I'll be that guy. If 95% of the work force in America asked to miss an important function for their business because a niece or nephew was being born their boss would look at them like they had 2 heads.

I really think this is a case of "whew something came up that will hopefully get me out of fanfest. He has another full month off that he can spend all the time he wants with the extended family.

I know I am going to get ripped for this but Manny is going to be wealthy beyond belief in the near future. This to me is a minor inconvenience (fanfest) that he should be willing to make for the fans that will be supporting his salary for years to come.

Dan says he could have been wealthy beyond his wildest dreams already. It just fell apart at the last hour.

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I have no interest in attending fanfest as I am not an autograph seeker. I look at it as more of a selfish move on Manny who is in his offseason and has the ability to spend as much time as he wants with his niece/nephew after fanfest. It's not like he has to be at work on Monday.

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I have no interest in attending fanfest as I am not an autograph seeker. I look at it as more of a selfish move on Manny who is in his offseason and has the ability to spend as much time as he wants with his niece/nephew after fanfest. It's not like he has to be at work on Monday.

Please join us in the 21st century anytime you want to.

I took off for both my nieces and nephews birth and had not a single issue with work. I know a lot of people who done the same and had no issue.

I find ironic that your calling a man selfish for being with his family, a lot of things can go wrong and problem happen with childbirth, wanting to be with his sister at that time seems like anything other than selfish to me. Really the only inkling of selfish is your belief because he plays for a team that you root for that he should put all that on hold so he can be accessible to you the fan lol....

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Most of us don't have jobs that are based on specific contractual obligations negotiated by an agent and backed up by a union. Get over it. Manny owes you jack - just enjoy his other-worldly talents and have fun.

Your right he owes me nothing and I don't want anything. A long long time ago I was a young professional athlete and all I cared about was playing the game. I always thought that my free time was way more important than anything else that was going on around me. Now that I am older I realize that I was a selfish ass when I was younger and didn't consider how little I cared about anything else besides what I wanted. I just think this is the case here.

I'm really not bitter at all. I will go with my original statement, in the real world if Manny was an important part of a company, he would not be excused to miss a major function where shareholders are attending because if this birth.

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I thought the article was saying that Yonder Alonzos wife was giving Birth to Manny's first child. Which I was kinda uncomfortable about. Now that I have the rest of the story, I am relieved. And I really do not think it is a big deal that Manny will not be at FanFest.

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Not that it matters but can I add, we have no idea if his sisters childbirth is high risk, low risk, or if she has had issues during her pregnancy. Perhaps, being as close as they seem it's really important for her to have him around.

Manny owes his sister (family) more than he owes us. To me this speaks to his character as a man. Being there for your family and the ones you love is the one of the most important things any of us can or will ever do. If not the most important.

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I can't even fathom why anyone would actually be dismissive of a guy who wants to see a new addition to his extended family. This guy travels and is away from his family 9 months out of the year.

Honestly, who cares? I assure you that mostly every single one of them values their family more than they do the game, or the fans desires.

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But he doesn't work for a company. He's not "employed". I understand what you're saying, but he has probably the BEST EXCUSE YOU CAN HAVE. And that's seeing the birth of a family member's child, are you even kidding me right now?

This is my final point on character that we honestly would never know. If the O's had a 3 game series with the Yankees this weekend would he of asked off to be there for the birth? If he would of then you got me, if he wouldn't had then I think it makes my case.

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In the real world if Manny was an important part of a company, he would not be excused to miss a major function where shareholders are attending because if this birth.

He probably would be. And he probably would be looked down upon for it.

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I can't even fathom why anyone would actually be dismissive of a guy who wants to see a new addition to his extended family. This guy travels and is away from his family 9 months out of the year.

Honestly, who cares? I assure you that mostly every single one of them values their family more than they do the game, or the fans desires.

I would not go that far. I would say some.

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This is my final point on character that we honestly would never know. If the O's had a 3 game series with the Yankees this weekend would he of asked off to be there for the birth? If he would of then you got me, if he wouldn't had then I think it makes my case.

He might and the Orioles if they were smart and the situation was amenable to it, would be smart to let him.

Your argument is garbage though, he is contractually obligated to play that series, he is not contractually obligated to attend FanFest.

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He might and the Orioles if they were smart and the situation was amenable to it, would be smart to let him.

Your argument is garbage though, he is contractually obligated to play that series, he is not contractually obligated to attend FanFest.

Yes he is.

FanFest is the one offseason event that all players under team control are required to attend and few exceptions are granted. Right-hander Ubaldo Jimenez and recently acquired slugger Mark Trumbo were given permission to miss the event because of previous commitments.

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This is my final point on character that we honestly would never know. If the O's had a 3 game series with the Yankees this weekend would he of asked off to be there for the birth? If he would of then you got me, if he wouldn't had then I think it makes my case.

Because, as we all know, a three game series is just like Fanfest and all contractual obligations are alike.

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