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Pedro Martinez calls out O's fans on MLB tonight


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I'm curious how much attendance has declined since the Nationals came to DC. Obviously that's not the only factor but it would be interesting to get some perspective on that.

This page shows you the attendance for each year of the franchise.

Attendance is definitely down overall since the Nationals move in 2005, but you could argue the team's poor performance for a decade and a half is the main reason. Attendance has rebounded to 29/30k a game over the last few years after dipping down to 21k/game in 2010 and 2011.

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This page shows you the attendance for each year of the franchise.

Attendance is definitely down overall since the Nationals move in 2005, but you could argue the team's poor performance for a decade and a half is the main reason. Attendance has rebounded to 29/30k a game over the last few years after dipping down to 21k/game in 2010 and 2011.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Spy Fox again.

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Harold, Greg, and Pedro all have nice things to say about the O's hot start, and Pedro questions where the fans are, regardless of the cold weather. "Baltimore was a place where you always knew the fans would be." "It's not the weather, why are they not filling the seats?"

Question deserves to be asked I would say. It's cold in October too...what gives? Friday night, Archer the opposing arm...Thoughts/opinions?

I will never understand when people complain about fans not showing up for teams that haven't been perennial contenders. Even the Yankees and Red Sox had below average attendance when their teams were bad. The Jays

had 22 non-playoff seasons and pretty weak attendance - and look at them (and it took a bit of time even).

Pretty sure only Rays fans deserved to be called out, and even they have an excuse - the stadium is in the middle of nowhere.

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This page shows you the attendance for each year of the franchise.

Attendance is definitely down overall since the Nationals move in 2005, but you could argue the team's poor performance for a decade and a half is the main reason. Attendance has rebounded to 29/30k a game over the last few years after dipping down to 21k/game in 2010 and 2011.

My unscientific estimate of what the Nats cost us in attendance a year is somewhere between 5 k and 10 k per game. Not insignificant but not hugely significant either.

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My unscientific estimate of what the Nats cost us in attendance a year is somewhere between 5 k and 10 k per game. Not insignificant but not hugely significant either.

Yeah, I think it is the lower end of that. I think the bigger impact is the corporate seats. I imagine suites are easier to come by now than in the pre-Nats days.

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Just got back from the game and fed hill. Honestly, the attendance was pathetic. As far as I am concerned, it's fine with me. The Os fans there are the true blue type and we had a ball. The people crying about the weather missed out.

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My unscientific estimate of what the Nats cost us in attendance a year is somewhere between 5 k and 10 k per game. Not insignificant but not hugely significant either.

On the low end that's 400,000 in ticket sales, assuming $30 spent, that's $12m. High end, double attendance and sales numbers.

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We were there Monday and friday, prior to the delay, it felt like any other opening day/playoff game, couldn't walk in the concourse. Last night was terrible, most people in club level spent more time inside than out, regardless of the weather, it was shocking to see how empty it was, even pickles. Though I'm sure it would've been different if it were 65 degrees. I can honestly say, that if we didn't already have tickets for yesterday, it wouldn't have been one of the nights I decided to buy tickets on a whim.

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Yeah, I live 1100 feet from home plate but when April games in sub-50 degree weather are priced the same as mid-summer games, I am not inclined to go. Sorry. I will still end up going to 40+ games as I have the last four years.

I'm jealous. Hard to make it from Leonardtown to anymore than 3 or 4 games.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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O's fans haven't been very good at filling the seats in April for the past however long it seems.

I haven't been going because my budget is tight, and I'd rather spend that cash when the experience is better (read: warmer).

We're not Boston. Our families in the city make about 1/2 of the median income of Boston families. Even in the county, our household median income is about 10k less than Bostonians.

It's not like the 90's when Baltimore sports budgets for people were not stretched between a football and baseball team, and DC was also a home market for the Orioles.

That, the weather, and I'm sure a handful of people who are scared to go into the city for whatever reason. It will show in the attendance.

Edit: I know I've been one to call out the fans on the empty seats in the past. Getting older has changed my perspective.

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Pedro didn't buy the weather excuse:

http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/orioles/blog/bal-hall-of-famer-pedro-martinez-wants-to-know-where-the-orioles-fans-have-been-this-week-20160408-story.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter' rel="external nofollow">

Baltimore Sun

"This is Baltimore. This is one place where you knew you were going to get fans in the stands. I don't understand why that's happening, and I guarantee you it's not the weather because I've been there in some other early-season kind of atmospheres. So I don't quite get it. Why is it that they're not drawing fans??

Pedro still has his mind in the mid 90s when every game was a sellout, I guess.

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