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Sons of Sam Horn bashing Baltimore and O's fans


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Come on now. Don't let one bad apple turn you agianst all sox fans. Not all are abd or ugly to the home team fans. On the other side i am sure there are bad O's fans that do the same thing when the Sox come to Baltimore or these O's fans go to Boston. Some are not happy unless they ruin it for everybody else and just act like idiots.

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Come on now. Don't let one bad apple turn you agianst all sox fans. Not all are abd or ugly to the home team fans. On the other side i am sure there are bad O's fans that do the same thing when the Sox come to Baltimore or these O's fans go to Boston. Some are not happy unless they ruin it for everybody else and just act like idiots.

It's hardly one bad apple, but I agree with you in principle. There are plenty of "righteous" Sox fans. But they're starting to gain a bad rap really fast because of the bad apples.

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It would be an exceptionally stupid front office that would sign a player and pay him out of previously saved money. The Orioles would sign Teixeira with the assumption that his ability and his hometown connections would put enough people in the stands to make his contract profitable.

If today's Yankee and Red Sox fans are contributing to the Teixeira fund that would imply that once he's signed attendance would continue to stagnate, or worse. When does a team sign a $20M player to a long-term deal despite the assumption that he'll do nothing for wins and revenues?

Wow I didn't think my admittedly dumbed-down hypo was so problematic.

I'm sure we will agree that a team's ability to sustain a given payroll is tied to a projection of future revenues, and the revenue projection is tied to a projection of future attendance.

Lop the Sox and Yanks impact off of attendance (assuming you could if you wanted to), and assume those games are attended the same as a Royals game or an A's game, and the trickle-down effect on what free agents you can and can't afford seems pretty obvious.

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The reality is that the Orioles organization is going to continue to sell stuff for the opposing team and make them feel welcome. It's up to us fans to make life as miserable as possible for the Boston fans when they come here. That's the only way we can take back the yard. We've been way too nice in the past.

I am 100000000% in agreement with you.

I know I am in the minority here, but I hope that O's fans get nastier -- without getting thrown out -- than ever before in history. These Sox jerks can't be made to feel like its okay to come to Baltimore and act like they are in Fenway.

Its just not right at all. And I am tired of it. When did Baltimoreans become sissified? The Baltimore I grew up in was hardcore and we didn't allow anyone to come into Memorial Stadium pretending it was Fenway or Yankees Stadium or even Kaufmann. We had pride in those days.

I once got threatened by a Sox fan at Camden until they realized I had 20 of my friends with me. We took it outside but they backed down when they realized that there weren't that many cops around and that they weren't on Landsdowne Street in Boston.


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I am 100000000% in agreement with you.

I know I am in the minority here, but I hope that O's fans get nastier -- without getting thrown out -- than ever before in history. These Sox jerks can't be made to feel like its okay to come to Baltimore and act like they are in Fenway.

Its just not right at all. And I am tired of it. When did Baltimoreans become sissified? The Baltimore I grew up in was hardcore and we didn't allow anyone to come into Memorial Stadium pretending it was Fenway or Yankees Stadium or even Kaufmann. We had pride in those days.

I once got threatened by a Sox fan at Camden until they realized I had 20 of my friends with me. We took it outside but they backed down when they realized that there weren't that many cops around and that they weren't on Landsdowne Street in Boston.


I doubt you are in the minority.

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Those shirts are great! When are the Sox coming back to town? I'm totally buying one for my wife and daughter!

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I've been turned off by RedSox fans for a while now, because a couple years ago at a game in Camden, there was a crowd of Sox fans laughing and cursing at a little boy and girl because they had on orioles gear. This is of course one of those nights when they over populate the Orioles crowds. Ever since seeing that i have seen it a coulple times. No Respect for anything or anybody. I've allways hated Redsox fans since then, and even lead me to respect most Yankee fans.

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Angelos markets the team to Yankees and Red Sox fans. I went to see BP before a game one time and they showed a special feature on Johnny Damon and how great he was that lasted about 20 min. (This was when Damon was a Sock).

I vaguely remember seeing this, but I think it was a This Week in Baseball segment, which they generally show before the game. So TWiB was highlighting Damon; it wasn't the O's choice.

I did make it to Fenway decked out in O's gear and didn't get much of a reaction, except for some patronizing while in line at the ladies room.

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I commented to baroquen last night about my trip to Fenway in '03 (granted this was before the bandwagon-hopping-post-2004-WS-win). I had a great time -- and the fans there are great. Those are the die-hards and true fans. They were very accommodating and not-at-all obnoxious. And, they were amazed and impressed that I traveled to Boston to see the O's. :D

The Boston "fans" that show up at Camden Yards are not "true" BoSox fans in my book. Driving into the city, I saw tons of cars with Virginia license plates. My best guess is that most of these "fans" are bandwagonners -- and those are the worst fans......for any team.


I had the same experience in '05 when I saw a game at Fenway.
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I wish that shirt came in Orange. If it did I would buy one. Problem is, most people will see the B and not read the rest assuming i'm a Boston fan.

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I was at the game with a group of friends and we would definitely fit into the category of fans they are describing. We were sitting in section 5 right next to the flag court overlooking the aisle that goes around the stadium bowl. We were laying into every single person in Sox gear that walked by. We even stayed after the game was over to talk trash until everyone had exited. We weren't vulgar or lewd until we were treated that way first. We were certainly loud and obnoxious however, I'll do what I can to make them as uncomfortable as possible hoping they'll decide not to return. I despise these bandwagon riding Sox fans in our stadium.

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SOSH are such a self righteous and pompous bunch ever since they've come to national attention a few years ago.

They're awful.

It didn't use to be like this. I used to enjoy reading their board because it was populated by a lot of thoughtful, literate fans who invested a lot of their time in pursuit of furthering their love of baseball as well as their team.

I stopped going there several years ago when they tightened up access. It looks like things have unravelled a bit, and I'm sorry to hear that.

Editorial oversight really matters. To my way of thinking, that's the main reason the OH keeps improving.

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