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3 minutes ago, wildcard said:

B. Free Agency


Forget about the Qualifying Offer.   There is no QO after the 2017 season.  

All free agents can be offered salary arbitration by the Former Club after the season.  If the player accepts he considered signed and goes through the normal salary arbitration  process.  If a Club does not offer salary arbitration then the free agent can not be signed by his former club until after May 1st.  If Salary Arbitration is offered and the Free Agent rejects it the Free Agent can not be signed by his Former Club between January 8th and  May 1st. Sounds like there is a window until January 8th to sign that Free Agent.

The league ranks players at each position annual based on their last two years.  The Top 30% of players are Type A. 31-50% are Type B.  51-60% are Type C.  Former Clubs can get compensation if Type A, B or C Free Agent that  reject salary arbitration and sign with another club.

The Former Clubs of Type A Free Agents  receives two draft picks.  1) If the signing team is in the top half on clubs in wins the previous year the Former Club receives a the signing clubs first choice.  If the signing team is in the bottom half of club  in wins the previous year the Former club receives the signing clubs second choice  And 2) a pick after the first round.

The Former Clubs of Type B Free Agents receives  one  first or 2nd round pick from the signing club depend on the number of wins the signing club had the previous year. The same method is used to determine if it is a first or 2nd round pick.

The Former Clubs of Type C Free Agents receive a pick after the 2nd round in reverse order of the number of wins the previous season.

A significant change is the Former Club must offer salary arbitration in order to continue  to negotiate with player passed December 7th.  Once a player is not offered salary arbitration he can not be signed by his former club.

There are other restriction that are outlined below.

Examples:  Manny, and Britton after the 2018 would each net the O's  a first round pick from the signing  team and a pick after the first round if signed by Club that is in the top half of Clubs in win like probably the Dodgers, Boston or maybe the Yankees.  However if the Marlins had a losing season and were in the bottom half in wins then the O's would receive a second round pick  from the Marlins and a pick after the first round.

If Pedro Alvarez, Steve Pearce or other 6 year  players were an Oriole doing the 2017 season, after the season the O's would have make up their minds if they want to sign the player prior to December 7.   After that date O's would have to offer arbitration.  If the player accept he is considered signed.  If the player rejects arbitration then the O's can no longer negotiate of sign him until May 1st.


This is directly from the New CBA.

Article XX Reserve System

(1) Eligibility

This applies only to those players that become free agents with 6 or more years of service time.

(2) Procedure

Players that become free agents by any other means than being 6 or more years of service time are not subject to any restrictions or compensation.

(a) Eligible players gives notice to become free agents within a 15 day period beginning October 15th or the day following the World Series which ever is later.

(b)  During this 15 days eligible Players and  Clubs may discuss merits of contracting including their interest, how they would be utilized, advantage of joining the Club, guarantees,  no trade provisions and  length of contract but may not discuss terms or sign a contract.

However, free agents and their former clubs may negotiate and contract during this 15 day period.

(3) Right of Former Club to sign Free Agent

Prior to December 7th the former Club may offer  salary arbitration to the Free Agent.  If the Player accepts he is considered signed. Clubs who do not offer salary arbitration to their free agents lose all right to negotiate, and sign the free agent until May 1st.

By December 19th Player may accept the Clubs offer to arbitrate.  Players that accept salary arbitration shall be signed players and the parties will conduct salary arbitration just like a non free agent would.  Salary Arbitration rules concerning maximum salary reduction do not apply to these players. Player that accept salary arbitration  are  not considered free agents for the purpose of Quotas which will be explained later in item (5).

For player that do not accept arbitration, the Former Club lose rights to sign the Player until May  1st.

(4) Compensation

(a) Free agent will be ranked a Type A, B and C Players.  Compensation will be amateur draft choices.

(b) Type A, B and C players are free agent and are ranked in those categories by a document called  "A Statistical System for the Ranking of Players".  This document ranks players based on a two year average for each position group  i. e., first baseman, catcher, etc.

Type A Players rank in the top 30% at their position

Type B Players rank in the top 31 - 50%

Type C Players  rank in the top 51-60%

(c) Type A, B and C players  shall be subject to compensation only if:

   - he was offer salary arbitration and rejected it  and sign with another Club

   - he signed with another club prior to salary arbitration being offered on or before December 7th

  - Type C players a not subject to compensation if he had not sign a major league contract by March 1st the previous year

  - he has been a Free Agent before then he is not subject to compensation

  -  he has 12 or more years of major league service

Former Club of  a Type A Players  shall receive two amateur draft choices.   A Regular Draft Choice of the signing Club and a Special Draft Choice

Former Club of  a Type B Player shall receive Regular Draft Choice of the signing Club.

Forner Club of  a Type C Player shall receive a Special Draft Choice.

(d) Regular Draft Choice  -  If the signing team is in the top half on clubs in wins the previous year the Former Club receives a the signing clubs first choice.  If the signing team is in the bottom half of club  in wins the previous year the Former club receives the signing clubs second choice.

Special Draft Choice - Former teams that lose a Type A Player  will receive a draft choice after the 1st round.   Former Clubs that lose a Type C Player will receive a drat choice after the 2nd  round.   Former Club clubs will pick in the reverse order of how many wins they had the previous year. 

(5) Quotas

 (a) Clubs are limited in the number of A and B Player that can sign based on the the number of free agents that off season. 

14 or less free agents, a club is limited to signing one free agents

15-38 free agents,  a club is limited to signing two free agents

39-62 free agents,  a club is limited to signing three agents

More that that the league will determine the number.

Free Agents that are not offered salary arbitration and Free Agents that accept salary arbitration are not considered Free agents for the propose of Quotas.

(b) Irrespective of (5a), Clubs are allowed to sign as many free  agents as the lose.

(6) Miscellaneous

Free Agents may not be traded or released prior to June 15 without the players permission.


Here is the new CBA.  Go to Article XX.  








Your link leads to the 1997-2001 CBA.

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If you lose a QO player that signs for $50M or more, you gain a pick after the first round (same as it is now). If you lose a QO player that signs for less than $50M, you gain a pick after comp round B (before the start of the third round). " There’s a different set of rules for teams that are over the luxury tax line; any compensatory picks they receive will take place after the draft’s fourth round. "


If you sign a QO player you (1) lose your third highest pick (not necessarily a third rounder) if you are a revenue-sharing recipient team, (2) your second AND fifth highest pick plus $1 MM from your international signing pool if you are a revenue-sharing contributing team, or (3) lose your second highest pick plus $500K in international signing pool if you are neither a revenue-sharing contributor or recipient.



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