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vs. RED SOX, 6/03


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1 minute ago, Malike said:

Here is  a newsflash for you. I hope you don't get triggered as it seems to happen easily with you. No matter how much you cry and whine about Ubaldo on the forums here, its not going to make him disappear from the roster. All of the bellyaching you have been doing for Showalter to hear, won't be heard here. Send him a letter or go wait by his car in the parking lot. Just because you say something ten thousand times on a message board won't make it come true in real life. Your whining falls on deaf ears, noone in this thread is in a position to relay your concerns to anyone on the team, nor would they give a flying you know what about what you think. When Ubaldo gets in the game turn the TV off, shut your PC off, save yourself and the rest of us the aggravation.

Or ya know I'll just keep sharing my opinion that Ubaldo is a joke because that's what a message board is for.

I'd honestly be worried though if you supported my post because I don't think I've ever valued a single post you've ever made. Now I see why.

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1 minute ago, Norfolk orioles said:

Or ya know I'll just keep sharing my opinion that Ubaldo is a joke because that's what a message board is for.

I'd honestly be worried though if you supported my post because I don't think I've ever valued a single post you've ever made. Now I see why.

Your words are so hurtful. Some random guy that I'll never meet insulted me on a message board. He even gave me a thumbs down! IDGAF lol. 

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