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Happy Holidays!


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I know I'm a bit early with this, but I think I'm going to take a much needed internet / social media break next week. And before I do, I wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday. May the new year bring us continued hope for the future of this franchise that we each hold near and dear to our hearts. May our younger players grow into the superstars that we all hope they will be. And may we all live long enough to see the Orioles return to sustainable glory. Cheers. 

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On 12/20/2019 at 8:51 AM, Going Underground said:
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through Oriole Park ,
Not a player was signing , not even a minor leaguer to take a shot in the dark,
The uniforms were hung by the warehouse with care,
In hopes that Adley Rutschman soon would be there,
The front office employees were nestled all snug in their beds;
While visions of many straight playoff appearances danced  in their heads;
And mama in her 'kerchief, and I in my Oriole cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long Oriole losing way nap,
When out on the field there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my seat to see what was the matter.
Away to the warehouse window I flew like a flash,
Hope it wasn't the Winter Warm Up that was not such a great bash,
When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But a few good players I have not seen in years,
With a influx of young talent so lively and quick,
I knew Elias finally turned the Orioles around ,he must be St. Nick.
More rapid they all arrived from the minors they came,
And Elias was ecstatic he had many great players now to play the game,
To the top of the standings to the top of the AL East,
Now the Orioles were a formidable AL Beast,
As balls that were blasted ,they would fly,
No obstacle for these Orioles to ask why,
So up to the top the Orioles they flew,
With the slew full of  fine players, and some great pitchers too,
And then, in a instant I saw the analytic proof,
The Orioles were in the World Series and it wasn't a goof,
As I saw a great team that was turning around,
Another Oriole season that they were playoff bound,
Saw all the Oriole fans  dressed in Oriole gear, from their head to their feet,
This Oriole team, the one that cannot be beat,
Soon  I knew I had  nothing to dread,
For a #1 draft pick from which they were led,
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
We beat the dreaded Yankees in the playoffs,those jerks,
He sprang to the batters box , to his team he gave a whistle,
And away the ball  flew ,trajectory of a missile,
But I heard him exclaim as the ball went out of sight,
“Happy Orioles win the World Series,it is like Christmas and to all a good night!”
Happy Holidays to all and a Happy New Year.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all..

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1 hour ago, Roll Tide said:

Jingle Bells Our Teams Smells

Last Place is on its way

The Norfolk shuttle is sure to sputter

and Davis gets to Play.... Yay!



I almost did the bah humbag version but  it is the season .

The Angelos Boys took the MASN money with glee.

Some people even claimed to Nashville they would flee.

The Oriole team was bad,poor and rotten.

The Oriole fans seemed all but forgotten. 

They claimed a better team would arrive in a few years.

But sadly it did not happen and all the Oriole fans are in tears. 

The Oriole rebuild did not work as they said.

It was all to make extra profit and we were all led.

The media and Elias sold us a bill of goods.

But all to find out they were nothing better then hoods.

"Merry Christmas to all and the Orioles moved in the middle of the night ".

But we are in the season to be jolly so no bad thoughts.The rest is even worse but ho,ho and ho.




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Hope everyone is about to relax for a spell and enjoy a day or two with family or friends. I don’t post a ton, but I still try to check in and read what I can here at OH. Still a marvelous place. Thanks to you all for making it that way. 

 Still making music with my kids. Here’s our 2019 Christmas video. Some of these may sound familiar. My daughters (12 year old on drums and 17 year old on bass) knocked this out about a week ago. Happy Holidays! We’ll have an EP on vinyl of our original music by summer. 


Note: You may note I have my custom O‘sCaster guitar at the top right of the frame in the first song. 



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