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MLB suspended, Opening Day delayed indefinitely UPDATED


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After tracking JHU’s tool each morning this week, their data tells us this:

States with most deaths: NY, NJ LA, MI, WA, and CA (278, 54, 48, 43, 39, and 39).

Confirmed cases tripled in 13 states.  Doubled in 41 states. (Including DC here as a “state”, so 51 total).

Nine states have 2000+ cases.  15 states have 1000+.

Idaho, Nebraska, and Missouri climbed the highest in state ranking of confirmed cases.

Virginia and Maine fell the most.

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Cruise ship lines are not eligible for any federal aide as they are flagged as from being in 3rd world countries to avoid paying any taxes.  For example, Carnival Cruise line is a Panamanian company. Norwegian Cruises is a Bahamian company.   Good luck getting bail out from those countries. 

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33 minutes ago, atomic said:

Cruise ship lines are not eligible for any federal aide as they are flagged as from being in 3rd world countries to avoid paying any taxes.  For example, Carnival Cruise line is a Panamanian company. Norwegian Cruises is a Bahamian company.   Good luck getting bail out from those countries. 

They may be able to reregister to become eligible.


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11 minutes ago, Going Underground said:

So you avoid taxes for years by not incorporating  in the US and then when you need something you magically become a US company. Sounds legit.

Well I plan to return to being a sovereign citizen after I get my stimulus. ?

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3 hours ago, atomic said:

Cruise ship lines are not eligible for any federal aide as they are flagged as from being in 3rd world countries to avoid paying any taxes.  For example, Carnival Cruise line is a Panamanian company. Norwegian Cruises is a Bahamian company.   Good luck getting bail out from those countries. 

Sucks when you avoid paying taxes and then you actually need support!

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52 minutes ago, weams said:


NO bans. NO restrictions. 

I'm curious as to what the Japanese teams ended up thinking/feeling after playing their spring training games in empty stadiums. Must have been a largely negative experience considering how it didn't stop them from canceling the regular season.

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2 hours ago, atomic said:

I always thought playing without fans was a bad idea. I am glad the league came to that conclusion as well.  

The caveat is important. I think the implication is that you can’t have bans in some cities but not others. That creates an uneven playing field. But the matter of playing in neutral sites and/or empty stadiums needs further consideration. 

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