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Should Eshelman replace LeBlanc in the rotation?


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Wade LeBlanc is off to a rough start to the season. He has 7.13 ERA in 4 starts with a 1.47 WHIP. He has had one good start.  5.1 IP and allowed one run vs Tampa.    But the other three have not been good.

Boston 5.2 IP,  4 ER

Miami  3.1 IP 6 ER

Phil  3.1 IP,  3 ER

Eshelman  has made 2 starts plus a relief appearance.  He has a 3.65 ER and a 0.89 WHIP.

Miami 3.1 IP,  1 ER

Wash  4 IP,  2 ER

Phil  5 IP,  2 ER

Another factor is that LeBlanc is 36 years old and Eshelman is 26.    I could see LeBlanc moving to mid/long relief.

Before someone tells be Eshelman is no good and is not part of the future.   Personally, I don't care as long as he is effective which he appears to be to this point.

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I like the idea of Akin to keep a lefty in the rotation. I still give Leblanc a pretty long leash and make Akin earn it. You just can't go changing your plan every couple of weeks or else you will get guys feeling like their whole career rests on the next pitch. Get it out of your head that Eshelman is in any way, shape, or form a good pitcher.

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I think Leblanc, Eshleman, Milone, Akin,and even Wojo should be used in opener or long relief roles where they work 2-4 innings (length determined by trips through the line up) stints.  Don't let the opponents get comfortable by allowing them to get through the line up 2 or 3 times.  Milone to Wojo, or a Akin to Eshelman could confuse the opponents by offering different looks in arm slots, velo, and pitch selection.  No better year than 2020 to try this strategy.

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