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Trezza: Orioles 'listening,' but how likely is a trade?

Roll Tide

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1 hour ago, joelala said:

We’ll see if the coffers open at all with the perceived competitive window. And how do teams like Cleveland and Tampa retain their FO folks?

Hopefully as the first contract sunsets, Baltimore will profile as one of the better situations around the game for the ensuing few years.   It really ought to be, for him to be in any general demand.   We're perhaps looking at a fourth Top 6 pick before I believe his initial contract runs out, never mind if the high school pitchers that preceded the sequence become anything.

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35 minutes ago, OrioleDog said:

Hopefully as the first contract sunsets, Baltimore will profile as one of the better situations around the game for the ensuing few years.   It really ought to be, for him to be in any general demand.   We're perhaps looking at a fourth Top 6 pick before I believe his initial contract runs out, never mind if the high school pitchers that preceded the sequence become anything.

Most desirable in terms of talent in the system if things keep trending up like they seemingly are now, sure. If Grod and DL both pan out, absolutely. But my other worry is that if the bros. Angelos don’t sell, we turn into a farm system/big box store for the rest of league somewhat like the Marlins have been and now seemingly Colorado as well. 

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