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Would This Season Be Considered A Disappointment?


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I don’t think there is a switch to flip.  We are committed to producing our own talent no matter how long it takes.  With this being the case I don’t think we will be consistently good until 4-5 years from now when the international scene can produce MLB level talent.  

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On 7/13/2021 at 9:02 AM, Can_of_corn said:

Which is totally going to work because the other teams didn't read the literal book that was written about how the Astros did things.


On 7/13/2021 at 9:07 AM, LTO's said:

What does that have to do with literally anything? Oh, there was a book that detailed a strategy that isn't complex in the slightest. Guess that means teams bad teams aren't going to move ML assets for prospects!

Having multiple teams follow an extreme strategy of ridding a team of its veterans with trade value and building around high draft choices while the stripped MLB franchise loses 100 games or so starts a race to the bottom in which you have to be just not terrible but really, really terrible to get the top picks.

More important (to me), this strategy is really, really bad for baseball. Even if the strategy succeeds, and it won't succeed everywhere, three or four or five seasons of bad baseball by multiple teams will drive away lots of fans, especially young ones (to a 10- or 12-year-old, those few lousy seasons will seem like 10) who don't enjoy rooting for a perennial loser -- toward other teams like the NYYs, Dodgers, both Sox and probably the Mets before long, or away from baseball altogether. You can multiply that "lots of" number where the plan fails.

If you take a step back and look at MLB generally, not just the Orioles, having multiple teams pursue this strategy is a terrible development. Meanwhile the Mighty Manfred seems not to care at all about the continuing erosion of MLB's competitive balance. So long as he's enjoying his dream job, maintaining his job security over the next decade, and getting paid plenty for it, he's good.

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