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The Shortstop Market, 2022

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1 hour ago, sportsfan8703 said:

I don’t even know why I keep saying Iglesias or Galvis. I don’t see us paying any guarantees money to anyone really. I could see us bringing in someone like Ronald Torreyes that was just DFAd by the Phillies. 


With having Mateo and Urias as options at the MLB level, there might not be as big as of a need as the last two seasons. Plus, Martin is on the 40 man as of this post, and Grenier will be in AAA, unless he’s taken in the rule 5 draft. Westburg, Gunnar, and Ortiz all played some in AA this year too. 

We’re not going to compete in 2022. I’d rather us save the $ 1-2 million and use it in the Dominican. 

I hope that the O's are close to giving up on Martin. Did you not list Jones because you think he's not a serious candidate? Will be interested in seeing what Mateo can actually develop into.

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On 10/16/2021 at 10:55 AM, Sports Guy said:

They definitely could make a deal for salary relief.  It just depends on their situation.  They also could do it simply for roster space and maybe they would really allocate the money elsewhere.

Also, maybe they feel Abrams isn’t as good as his ranking.  If they would do that deal, I would be skeptical of how good they think Abrams is.

Personally, I would rather eat the money, cut Hosmer and keep Abrams but not everyone will think that way.  They may not want to eat that much money.

The Padres were floating Hassell in those talks, not Abrams.  If I were the Orioles I would do it, especially if the winds are hinting at a salary floor.

Hosmer is a defensive asset.  His OBP skills are good and steady.  His drop off in power can likely be attributed to a lack of pulling the ball last year.  This makes sense, because while Petco is 322 at the pole it pops out to 380 in middle right.  He is a terrible fit for that park.  His salary drops off to $13 million for the next few years.  He could be a solid player at that even into his mid 30's.


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