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My First and Probably Last Thread

Too Tall

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4 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

At the end of the day, what you make of this board is on you, not the board as whole because there is no prevailing opinion. I hate to break it to you some of you, but if you are concerned about making an opinion on here because of a few people, then you definitely should stay off Facebook/Twitter/etc. 

If you wonder why there is more negative than positive on here, maybe it's because the team's record for the last 4 years and then look at all the penny pinching ways when it comes to TV/radio broadcasts and from what we heard, the game day experience to some extent.

Now if you are one of those fans that prefer unicorns and rainbows when talking about the O's, then this is probably not the place for you because EVERYTHING will be analyzed. We are all fans on here, but this is a thinking man's/woman's board. 

I've always said that it's more important to have the right people on here than a LOT of people. We've always preferred quality of quantity. While some people can be more aggressive than others, the people who are respected here are the ones that can back their opinions up with statistics and analysis. 

This is the major leagues of message boards. Hell, I had to up my game knowing that I couldn't just throw out a comment like "Mountcastle looks slower" because I know I better go get some sprint speeds to back up that claim. That's what makes this place special though in my opinion.

I've learned probably more than I've taught over the years on this board because of the smart folks that make up this board. Whether they are more on the negative side or positive side, nobody spends hours on here if they are not a fan!

Personally, I love how this board acts, but can understand if it's not for some. That's not a hit on anyone, just a fact. I have family members that have been fans for 50 plus years, but this is probably not their place to discuss the Orioles.

I always hope good, smart, passionate fans call this place their home, but I realize their are many more lurkers and that's ok. If the board is not for you, I understand, but it's not going to change and I'm kinda proud of that.


"At the end of the day, what you make of this board is on you, not the board as whole because there is no prevailing opinion. I hate to break it to you some of you, but if you are concerned about making an opinion on here because of a few people, then you definitely should stay off Facebook/Twitter/etc. "

Part of the appeal of sports, and of OH, is that it is not Facebook/Twitter...

"If you wonder why there is more negative than positive on here, maybe it's because the team's record for the last 4 years and then look at all the penny pinching ways when it comes to TV/radio broadcasts and from what we heard, the game day experience to some extent."

I don't think the complaint is as much about occasional negative commentary directed at the team's actions... as it is having nothing BUT negative commentary about everyone and everything associated with the team... and being abusive and obnoxious to anyone that doesn't share that opinion.

"Now if you are one of those fans that prefer unicorns and rainbows when talking about the O's, then this is probably not the place for you because EVERYTHING will be analyzed. We are all fans on here, but this is a thinking man's/woman's board."

I think the challenge is one of the awesome facets of the place. But I also think there's a difference between... let me tell you why I think you're wrong... and let me tell you why you're an idiot.

"I've always said that it's more important to have the right people on here than a LOT of people. We've always preferred quality of quantity. While some people can be more aggressive than others, the people who are respected here are the ones that can back their opinions up with statistics and analysis."

Quality certainly trumps quantity in my mind. But the two need not be mutually exclusive. And it isn't necessary to be obnoxious to be a high quality poster, as the overwhelming majority of the board's participants demonstrate.

"This is the major leagues of message boards. Hell, I had to up my game knowing that I couldn't just throw out a comment like "Mountcastle looks slower" because I know I better go get some sprint speeds to back up that claim. That's what makes this place special though in my opinion."

Couldn't agree more. I have been challenged by some members of this board, and encouraged to check and recheck my thinking. To learn... to formulate a cogent line of thinking... all without once being brow-beaten, treated like I'm a jerk, or called an idiot.  This is part of what makes this board special. And a large part of what keeps people here in spite of the caustic vocal minority. But there is a caustic vocal minority. And their behavior unhealthy. I'm not telling you anything you don't know. I've seen you call it out. I'm just suggesting that it's effect is maybe a little more harmful to the board's newer members than can be seen by veterans who have come to expect it.

"I always hope good, smart, passionate fans call this place their home, but I realize their are many more lurkers and that's ok. If the board is not for you, I understand, but it's not going to change and I'm kinda proud of that."

In the end, you've gotta do what works for you.

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I find looking at the post title helps. Usually I will not read one that says "My First and Probably Last Thread" but I was intrigued.  There are so many on here that I do enjoy reading, even when they are "negative"  Not to be personal but I find CoC seems negative a lot, however, I read all of his posts because he is spot on a lot... ok, once or twice 😀  

Heck, I turned the game on yesterday (radio) and I first thought it was a York Revs spring training game - it just didn't rise to the level of top talent, maybe it was a bad game, just blah.  Luckily, MASN still has their crew.

I want baseball to get back to where it was not so long ago.  It just seems oddly strange right now - sure, the O's stink but we are used to seeing them stink - so what - it is the team and game we all are passionate about.  I think baseball is in the blood of every one here...  

This place has been like a family.  Although I have not been able to attend any "family" reunions at OPACY and know any of you personally I mourned our "family" that passed and cheer when someone has good news.



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I hope you stick around, but don't blame you if you don't.  I was a long time lurker/reader that rarely posted, but have lately been making an effort to post more.  I share the same frustration as you, a lot of discussions devolve into the same negativity and talking points no matter how they started out.  It also seems like a "good ol' boys club"  where the same handful or two super posters dominate the conversation, mostly only replying to each other's posts with nitpicking.  But, I'm sure most message boards operate this way.

Overall, I'd love for this page to be more welcoming to new folks with different ideas/perspectives.

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1 hour ago, Legend_Of_Joey said:


Since you ended one post with a lesson you learned, I will end this with one I learned. If you want to be involved in discussions but get run off by a little fire from someone’s belly, grow some thicker skin and jump in.

Passion isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. You’re an Orioles fan. Welcome to the suck.


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I greatly enjoy this forum and am so glad that Tony decided to keep it going for st least another year.

It’s a place that doesn’t suffer fools gladly, or bold statements without corresponding data to back up any egregious claims. I just wish the team was as good as the board that supports it.

I only get to see maybe one game a year live (at best… my last game was over 3 years ago), but one of my favorite recent memories was attending the 2014 game against the Jays where they clinched winning the AL East. Ironically, sitting in a left-field bleacher seat that no longer exists. 

Will people react better when Adley and Grayson are here? Not from their presence alone. People will still complain about service time manipulation, or how Adley is “no Weiters” (while Weiters was already never “Mauer with power”). They’ll only react better once we’re winning more games than we lose. It’s incredible what an 85- to 90-win season can do for the soul. Especially after the many dark years we’ve all had to endure these past 39 years since our last trophy. 

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This has always been a site where if you went against the Os way of thinking, you were considered negative and people didn’t want to hear from you.  That’s just reality.  

I get that people like and enjoy positivity and there are a lot of things to be positive about but the reality is that the product we care about is the ML product and the team has decided to ignore that product for 4 years.  

On top of that, the broadcasting is terrible and the in stadium product is worsening (not the stadium itself but production, etc..)

There are tons of threads and posts lauding Elias and his plan.  As someone who is “negative”, I have said several times that I think Elias is arguably the best thing to ever happen to the organization and certainly the best thing over the last 25 years.  But that doesn’t mean he’s infallible and it sure as hell doesn’t mean that myself, or others, can’t have a different opinion than him.

So many posters on here tend to go the route of the sheep and just follow what they say.  That’s fine.  But just because that’s how you want to fan and discuss things on here doesn’t mean that’s how everyone wants to do it.

I wasn’t here but I imagine this site had tons of positive vibes when the team was winning in 2012-2016.  But that’s the key..the team was winning.  

If you want nothing but positive stuff, follow 5-10 Twitter accounts.  Go listen to the podcasts put on by the 20 somethings who tell you every prospect is great, the Orioles are headed into the right direction and Mullins is the best player in baseball.

There is tons of that there but none of them want to be challenged.  None of them want the real discussion.  They just want followers and likes and retweets so they post a bunch of pollyanna stuff.  And I’m not saying all the content is bad, just saying it’s mostly all over the top positive.  So, if that’s what you crave, I suggest you go there.  Go listen to those podcasts and read follow those accounts.  

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19 hours ago, Too Tall said:

Watched yeterday on MLB Extra Innings/Masn. Beautiful day with a good crowd in the stadium - a stadium I still think is a jewel.

Now, I've been a reader (mostly) on this site for a long time. Came on this morning expecting to read some baseball discussion about yesterday's 30th opening game at Camden - a win. But mostly what I've read is more bitching and complaining. I know there's plenty to complain about and we surely have the crew on here to do it, but it is getting real old. I for one am tired of every thread evolving into how awful the Orioles do this or that or started with the intent to prove that point. While I think the Orioles are on the right track, I'm not sure at times about this site. I wonder how many like me are getting tired of a constant stream of bashing the Orioles. 

For one game, I enjoyed the Orioles. The pitching was good and so was the defense. Hitting is frustrating but it's early and several players hit real shots that were caught. It was a really good game for opening day. A WIN against a good team with a nice crowd in attendance. I enjoyed spending the afternoon with Ben and Palmer. Tonight, the game may be different but it's still my Orioles warts and all.



I hope you continue to post or at least lurk! The negativity can be tough, especially right at the beginning of a season when all I want to do is enjoy baseball. 

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16 minutes ago, interloper said:

I hope you continue to post or at least lurk! The negativity can be tough, especially right at the beginning of a season when all I want to do is enjoy baseball. 

If you allow “negativity” from people you don’t know and likely will never meet to stop you from enjoying the game, that’s a you problem, not an us problem.

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Just now, Sports Guy said:

If you allow “negativity” from people you don’t know and likely will never meet to stop you from enjoying the game, that’s a you problem, not an us problem.

It doesn't stop me from enjoying, I just wish it was a little lighter in here at times. 

If you read my posts, you know I do have criticisms but I just kind of choose the path of enjoyment/optimism most times. It's not that I'm blind to the things that are frustrating about the Orioles. I just see them a bit differently.

I also don't think it's fair to put words in this guy's mouth that all he wants to do is listen to positivity and be a "sheep". I've seen that a lot around here lately. Yes, stuff like On the Verge is too positive on prospects, but it's easy to separate that from just enjoying listening to guys talk Orioles (for me at least - I get it if it's not for you, there are parts that annoy me as well). I can follow Eric_Birdland on twitter for the little videos of minor league guys and enjoy that for what it is, while still realizing he's kind of ridiculous when he calls every single minor leaguer in the system a "prospect". Know what I mean? That kind of stuff just exists to enhance my excitement/enjoyment. It's like sugar. But enjoying that doesn't mean I'm incapable of criticism or critical thinking. 

We are capable of multitudes! 

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4 minutes ago, interloper said:

It doesn't stop me from enjoying, I just wish it was a little lighter in here at times. 

If you read my posts, you know I do have criticisms but I just kind of choose the path of enjoyment/optimism most times. It's not that I'm blind to the things that are frustrating about the Orioles. I just see them a bit differently.

I also don't think it's fair to put words in this guy's mouth that all he wants to do is listen to positivity and be a "sheep". I've seen that a lot around here lately. Yes, stuff like On the Verge is too positive on prospects, but it's easy to separate that from just enjoying listening to guys talk Orioles (for me at least - I get it if it's not for you, there are parts that annoy me as well). I can follow Eric_Birdland on twitter for the little videos of minor league guys and enjoy that for what it is, while still realizing he's kind of ridiculous when he calls every single minor leaguer in the system a "prospect". Know what I mean? That kind of stuff just exists to enhance my excitement/enjoyment. It's like sugar. But enjoying that doesn't mean I'm incapable of criticism or critical thinking. 

We are capable of multitudes! 

And that’s fine..as I said, fan the way you want.  But there is nothing worse (in sports) when people basically tell you how you should fan.

If you want to be surrounded by all the positivity, that’s great.  Listen to those podcasts and read WC’s posts.  Nothing wrong with that at all.  But don’t complain when people are posting “negative” (it’s funny that’s it’s negative when it’s really just the truth) stuff because they aren’t buying into the same narrative you are.

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Just now, Sports Guy said:

And that’s fine..as I said, fan the way you want.  But there is nothing worse (in sports) when people basically tell you how you should fan.

If you want to be surrounded by all the positivity, that’s great.  Listen to those podcasts and read WC’s posts.  Nothing wrong with that at all.  But don’t complain when people are posting “negative” (it’s funny that’s it’s negative when it’s really just the truth) stuff because they aren’t buying into the same narrative you are.

Yeah I think that's a fair take on it. 

I empathize with Too Tall's frustration, but starting a thread isn't going to change folks' opinions on much. I enjoy writing about the positive stuff that I see on this board, so I try to focus on that rather than trying to tell others to be less themselves.

If you like the positive stuff, start a thread about the positive stuff. Point out why it's awesome that Felix Bautista was in high A last year and he's up here blowing dudes away. Highlight the legitimate successes and acknowledge the shortcomings. Is the reasoning for Bradish starting in AAA extremely thin? Of course it is. Etc.


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