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ESPN's Ravech: Teixeira has "enormous attraction to the Orioles" Close to signing


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XM - Joel Sherman and somebody else are saying it's probably between the Nats and Sux with Tex having to take less money to play for the Sux...

Doesn't Sherman write for the Yankees? I would have to believe Teixeira would plya for the Orioles before playing for the Nationals. The media is trying to gauge where he is going based on contract offers. The problem is that the offers they are hearing are not likely to be accurate.

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XM - Joel Sherman and somebody else are saying it's probably between the Nats and Sux with Tex having to take less money to play for the Sux...

Nobody nobody nobody knows for sure except Andy and PGA.

I have been saying it all along - the media has NO clue, they are just throwing stuff together and making assumptions with the mere hope they end up being able to say "I told ya so". I think Belkast has a legit source - but real-time accuracy is not something we should expect.

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Roch, responding to a question about Teixeira:

So where's the love for a former Patriot? As for your question, I just received written permission from the Orioles to answer it, but I have to send them 3 copies of my response. But seriously, I think it's down to Boston and the Orioles, in that order. The Angels sound like they're conceding defeat all of a sudden. Notice the Manny Ramirez talk all of a sudden. - Roch
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Thumbing through a May, 2005 issue of FHM magazine lying around the office, I noticed a 1-page interview with Scott Boras.

Interesting enough, but the one comment that stood out to me was his claim that "over 50 percent" of his clients take an offer other than the one for the most money.

Truth? Who knows, but I thought I'd throw this out into the general discussion while we all wait for something to happen.

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So JTread81 are you saying we are out of the bidding?:(

No, Sherman does not have inside information. He said that it feels like the Sox will sign Tex because they have been the "stalking horse," in this process, feeling out who the competition is and now going back with an offer that will win.

It is all conjecture on his part based on his belief that this is how these high ticket deals generally go. He's right, they do, but this could be a different case given the local attraction here.

As a Red Sox fan, I hope Sherman is right but it is important to remember that his gut feel is just that and not based on hard info.

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I think it was posted but I'm not sure. Either way, it's impossible to find anything in this thread so it's a good thing you did. It's nice to see SOMEONE saying something about the Orioles, even though I'd prefer it to be Olney or Gammons..although it seems we all know where they want Tex to go. Hopefully this is going to be settled soon.

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