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ESPN's Ravech: Teixeira has "enormous attraction to the Orioles" Close to signing


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If you noticed, yesterday ESPN was saying Furcal was going to the Braves only to clarify many hours later that the Dodgers were still involved.

Yeah, it's a good example. Should Braves "insiders" have leaked the news that Furcal was in the bag for the Braves, it would have been good, solid, info. But incorrect. I suspect the same thing happened with our Roberts saga.

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Buckley is a moron who loves to paint himself as an expert. He isn't. I'd love to believe that he knows what he is talking about in this case but let's think about this for a minute.

True, the Orioles are not likely to compete for the AL East this season but it's not as if they have no future. Their farms system is well regarded and, as the Red Sox have shown, THAT is the way to build a team that can be competitive for many years.

It's supreme arrogance to write the Orioles off as a bad team. Three years ago, that would have been a pretty easy argument to make but not now.

All that said, I really hope that, for ONCE, Buckley has a clue. :)

I'm just happy to see that there is at least one Red Sox fan with a clue...


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I'm with you. There have been a lot of good signs in the last 24 hours, but that doesn't mean a lot until serious smoke signals come from the Warehouse chimney.

Will we need to refer to Tex as "your excellence"? And will he get a cool glass car to drive around in? That would like so cool driving down Pratt Street.

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Something to take with a grain of salt of course but this was posted this morning in a Sox message board... Of course, it seemed as if people in their own message board weren't even buying it.

A neighbor of mine informed that Teixeira will sign with the Sox. Keep in mind this guy is in his 50's, and has close ties to someone who he won't say in the front office. The guy has never been wrong about a signing in the 30 years I known him. I asked him when will we see this? He said as soon as the misses calms down about moving to a media rich city. She's shy I guess.. All he would tell me is 8 years with a (player) option for 9th.
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Something to take with a grain of salt of course but this was posted this morning in a Sox message board... Of course, it seemed as if people in their own message board weren't even buying it.

my father works at nintendo and he's telling me that sonic is coming to the SNES!!!!!!!!


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Guest rbrhett
Something to take with a grain of salt of course but this was posted this morning in a Sox message board... Of course, it seemed as if people in their own message board weren't even buying it.

Essentially the situation comes down to this:

OH insiders believe Tex is coming to the Os and the deal is complete.

The media and Sox insiders believe Tex is going to the Sox and the deal is complete.

OH members believe Tex is coming to the Os and hope the deal is complete.

Sox "fans" believe Tex is going to the Sox and hope the deal is complete.

He said, she said, we said, they said....What does Tex say?

I think Tex signs with the Royals and blows all of our minds...:D

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He seems like a good guy. I heard about him giving money to start a scholarship in the name of a friend who had passed away. He is a terrific baseball player also. Any team would be lucky to have him. I hope he decides to play for the home team, but unfortunately actions speak louder than words.

What is the tower at MSJ's and why was it such a big issue when he looked for his signature?

It's the oldest surviving landmark of the school since it was originally Mt St Joe college in 1876 (I believe that was the year).

No freshman, sophmore, or senior is allowed to enter the Tower, and as seniors, they took us up to see the thousands of former grads who went up and signed the wall at the top. Pretty cool experience seeing names from a hundred years ago.

Plus, at your reunions, you get to go back up and try and find your name and friends name among the thousands already there.

Just a cool experience in general.

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