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The Teixeira Watch: Part V - AM says the O's "have flexibility" on Tex


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Exactly. AM is very smart, and I believe that if we weren't in it anymore, then he would be off filling other holes for this club. We would be hearing about trades for Brian Roberts (or extension talks for BRob and Nick) and bringing in SP's to sign, but because there is no real news on this, it leads me to believe he is focused on Tex and we are very much in this.

MacPhail probably enjoy's times like these for the sake of other deals. Baseball is a multi-tasking business, at least as a GM, maybe not from a free agent standpoint. To think that he's not constantly working on other things, in my opinion is wrong. I agree in the sense that these things are like dominoes and you can't do certain things or look in other directions unless a big decision like this is made, but he's surely still looking at pitching deals on all fronts. Lot's of things are held up for numerous reasons, certainly with free agents and certainly with trades as multiple teams initiatives are involved.

MacPhail must enjoy this time to focus in other areas, as he's tight lipped and doesn't care for the media attention, he can do things and no one is asking.

As everyone else has said, no one knows what's really going on. The O's are still in it and most likely MacPhail, as a good GM, doesnt want to play the Boras game, won't drive up the price and will wait to se if a counter offer makes sense when he knows what the other deals are. He won't make a bad baseball decision. Though PGA hopeully has some say, telling him we have to overpay, just like anyone else who signs him will, from a business sense. Maybe its not overpaying from a baseball sense, but when you look at the return on the investment there are a lot of non-financial benefits to him coming here. Since Baltimore is still a couple years from contention, the return on the first couple years, from a monetary perspective, is lessened even more.

Let's hope MacPhail and PGA can agree, come together and bring our guy home.

We need him.

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All I know that the longer this drags on, the better it is for the Orioles. If the Red Sox had made some ridiculous offer, Tex would have signed by now. The fact that it is taking so long means 2 things.

1- Boras is totally messing with everyone involved( and doing a great job) and

2- Tex is confused and does not know what he wants at this point. I hope that when he is spending time in the area during the holidays, he realizes that this is the place for him.

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All I know that the longer this drags on, the better it is for the Orioles. If the Red Sox had made some ridiculous offer, Tex would have signed by now. The fact that it is taking so long means 2 things.

1- Boras is totally messing with everyone involved( and doing a great job) and

2- Tex is confused and does not know what he wants at this point. I hope that when he is spending time in the area during the holidays, he realizes that this is the place for him.

Agreed. If Tex doesn't realize by now that coming home would make him an absolute King in this town, then I don't know what to think :confused:

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Pure speculation here:

Is Tex still in the area?

If so, Boras was known to be traveling yesterday and could not be reached... Do you think that he was on his way to Baltimore?

Does anyone have any answers for these?

All I know is that things are AWWWWWWWWWWWWFully quiet! No news from the networks. No news from Roch or Schmuck. Nothing from bigbird or Belky. This could be the calm before the storm. Hang on for the ride!

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I asked Roch if any phone calls to Boras or the Warehouse had been returned and he says it's too early. We won't have anything to chew on for a few hours.

phew, thank god.....for a second there i thought this saga was coming to an end, but luckily this means we probably have weeks and weeks left of pure speculation!! :rolleyes:

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