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Teixeira Watch: Part VII- Owner Says Sox Are Out


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This is a lot of information to wake up to... So what the heck happens now?

We wait for a decision. The offers are getting to a point where teams are not going to go much higher. They also do not seem kean on bidding against themselves. If you read the news for face value (which I do not) then the Angels are our because Teixeira does not want to play on the West Coast. The Red Sox are out as they do not want to compete with the offers on the table. The Yankees are making a passing interest as of right now, much of their interest may come from Boras trying to make them interested. That leaves the Nationals and Orioles. Many poster believe that the Nationals may have a sick offer on the table for Teixeira and it sounds as though the Angels do as well (According to the Torii Hunter text message). You would hope that the Orioles make a fair offer that competes with that of the Nationals. The it would be up to Teixeira to stay home and play for the money or play for his hometown team.

I think the scenario can not be that simple. We will see how the next 12 hours play out. I would expect a decision by tomorrow evening one way or another.

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We wait for a decision. The offers are getting to a point where teams are not going to go much higher. They also do not seem kean on bidding against themselves. If you read the news for face value (which I do not) then the Angels are our because Teixeira does not want to play on the West Coast. The Red Sox are out as they do not want to compete with the offers on the table. The Yankees are making a passing interest as of right now, much of their interest may come from Boras trying to make them interested. That leaves the Nationals and Orioles. Many poster believe that the Nationals may have a sick offer on the table for Teixeira and it sounds as though the Angels do as well (According to the Torii Hunter text message). You would hope that the Orioles make a fair offer that competes with that of the Nationals. The it would be up to Teixeira to stay home and play for the money or play for his hometown team.

I think the scenario can not be that simple. We will see how the next 12 hours play out. I would expect a decision by tomorrow evening one way or another.

...getting exciting... I've read that a couple insiders reported our offer may have gone as high as 9/200? Is that theory popular?

Don't the Angels already have several large contracts on their books?

Also, I was surprised to see Nats fans posting here... don't they have their own board? Why do they have such Orioles envy?

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...getting exciting... I've read that a couple insiders reported our offer may have gone as high as 9/200? Is that theory popular?

Don't the Angels already have several large contracts on their books?

Also, I was surprised to see Nats fans posting here... don't they have their own board? Why do they have such Orioles envy?

The Angels have the contract of Torii Hunter and Vlad, outside of that I do not think there are many large contracts. The Angels have up Kotchman to get Teixeira so they may make a big offer. I do not know why they do no let Kendry Morales take the spot to be honest. I know there is a drop off, but is it a $195 Million drop off?

The Torii Hunter text message was interesting.

I heard that the Orioles may have made a big offer, but no one has given specifics. The Nationals are believed to have the biggest offer on the table. I am assuming their offer and the Angels offer may be huge. It would be nice to hear some inside information before news breaks.

The Nationals fans think that they have a better shot to land Teixeira than we do. In the end it may come down to money, so they may be right. There has been a minor league talent argument going on.

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OK, so I'm new at this posting a link thing but here...I think...


Corsi Combover says:

"Mike Lynch on Ch 5:

Sox are OUT

A source says there is a $200M deal on the table

The Yankees are in it

Boras believes he'll have a deal sometime tomorrow

Sox only wanted to spend $160M, then were willing to go to $185

No f'n way they were going to $200M"

So...could it be the MFY's?? :cussing:

Hope I did this well enough for the board, also hope it's relevant and not old news...I tried.

This was posted about 12 pages ago, but I wanted to get out this opinion. I got the impression all along that it was Boras' intent to force Texeria on the Red Sox. In doing that, the Yankees were never really serious contenders in this. The reasoning for all that was finding Manny a home for next year. It's a lot easier to to sucker the Yankees into signing Manny if you can place Texeria in Boston. Perhaps Boston wants out now from some combination of money and not wanting to be used like that. Now, the biggest factor in Tex not signing here could be perhaps Boras being able to move Manny to the Angels if the Yankees sign Tex. I don't think the O's and Nats signing Tex really scare the Yankees, Angels and Red Sox the way one of those three teams signing him would the other two teams. If Tex signs with the O's or Nats, it makes it harder to get Manny signed.

Just keep in mind that this whole process has probably never been solely about where Tex wants to go, but how Boras can use that to get Manny Ramirez signed for the most money as well.

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The Nationals fans think that they have a better shot to land Teixeira than we do. In the end it may come down to money, so they may be right. There has been a minor league talent argument going on.

That's interesting. No way can we let Tex play for DC. A decade long reminder of our own ineptitude. Unless it comes out they want to pay him $25MM for 10 years. Those 10 year deals are interesting. In a case like this, i think you have to take into account that the last years of those deals usually include the player reaching a couple milestones which is marketable. I understand that DC fans feel like they have to have Tex but they can go out and get other names that we can't.

They would be better off, say, picking up Adam Dunn and a couple pitchers while they wait for their {limited} minor league talent to pan out. It's hard to imagine PA letting the DC have something he could not get. It would go against everything that went down with the fight over what turned out to be MASN.

The Angels worry me a little. Do they have enough to "wow" him into forgetting his geographic preference? I guess that is the speculation.

Hopefully PA, AM & Co. get this done today, the 19th. It seems that if any undisclosed "other team" had an offer on the table it would be us... Boras and Co. know that an offer like that from PA would be revoked instantly if he breathed the name of the team. PA and AM, they don't even air their clean laundry. Period.

But then the Ravech story said someone in the Boras camp indicated if they could eliminate one team it would make the decision making process easier. Maybe that team was Boston?

If this comes down to a battle between DC and Baltimore... it will not be pretty, I am sure of that. It could get bitter.

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Just keep in mind that this whole process has probably never been solely about where Tex wants to go, but how Boras can use that to get Manny Ramirez signed for the most money as well.

I agree with you. This is absolutely crucial to keep in mind. Manny is getting a bigger per year payday than Tex, I would bet. Boston is the only team that will not go after Manny and thus, no fallback. The Yankees have to make sure the Sox don't land Tex. If Boston is out, so are the Yankees. Then, if the DC or Baltimore offers are higher, the Angels will be more concerned with keeping the Yankees away from Manny?

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This is a lot of information to wake up to... So what the heck happens now?

It's also a lot of information to go to sleep too. Finals week and this Teixeira roller coaster don't go well together. Hopefully when I wake up in 3 hours, Teixeira is on TV wearing an Os jersey

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That's interesting. No way can we let Tex play for DC. A decade long reminder of our own ineptitude. Unless it comes out they want to pay him $25MM for 10 years. Those 10 year deals are interesting. In a case like this, i think you have to take into account that the last years of those deals usually include the player reaching a couple milestones which is marketable. I understand that DC fans feel like they have to have Tex but they can go out and get other names that we can't.

They would be better off, say, picking up Adam Dunn and a couple pitchers while they wait for their {limited} minor league talent to pan out. It's hard to imagine PA letting the DC have something he could not get. It would go against everything that went down with the fight over what turned out to be MASN.

The Angels worry me a little. Do they have enough to "wow" him into forgetting his geographic preference? I guess that is the speculation.

Hopefully PA, AM & Co. get this done today, the 19th. It seems that if any undisclosed "other team" had an offer on the table it would be us... Boras and Co. know that an offer like that from PA would be revoked instantly if he breathed the name of the team. PA and AM, they don't even air their clean laundry. Period.

But then the Ravech story said someone in the Boras camp indicated if they could eliminate one team it would make the decision making process easier. Maybe that team was Boston?

If this comes down to a battle between DC and Baltimore... it will not be pretty, I am sure of that. It could get bitter.

It's not out ineptitude if we do not sign Teixeira it will be the Nationals who are making the mistake. They are nowhere near contention, not even close. Winning makes the fan base happy. We do not care how they go about doing it. Teixeira would put buts in the seats for a year, but if we continue to lose we will continue to be laughed at.

I will try to find it, but I read or heard that the Angels offered 8/200 and that the Nationals contract may be in the same range. We have a feeling the Orioles offered more than 7/150, but no one knows and that bothers me at this point.

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Based on what I've read, which admittedly is not all 130 pages of relevant thread since 5pm yesterday, I am confident Tex will be either an Oriole or National.

Without knowing our offer I have the ranking:

1. Nationals

2. Angels

3. Orioles

If I knew our offer I would be willing to put us first. It will be nice to hear a few reports, have AM make a comment, or get an update from our insiders.

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Did Boras say this was going to be decided today somewhere?

No. He said Teixeira was eliminating teams to aid him in making a final decision. Per Boras:

"The Boston ownership was kind enough to request and travel to meet with Mark Teixeira. While it was a very positive meeting Mark was candid and advised he is in the process of making a decision and is now attempting to eliminate teams."


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Without knowing our offer I have the ranking:

1. Nationals

2. Angels

3. Orioles

If I knew our offer I would be willing to put us first. It will be nice to hear a few reports, have AM make a comment, or get an update from our insiders.

What makes me think is that Henry said Other offers out there so makes me think probably a good chance there could be two offers of 200+ out there we may not know of. At this point were at wait and see till we get more information.

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It's not out ineptitude if we do not sign Teixeira it will be the Nationals who are making the mistake. They are nowhere near contention, not even close. Winning makes the fan base happy. We do not care how they go about doing it. Teixeira would put buts in the seats for a year, but if we continue to lose we will continue to be laughed at.

I will try to find it, but I read or heard that the Angels offered 8/200 and that the Nationals contract may be in the same range. We have a feeling the Orioles offered more than 7/150, but no one knows and that bothers me at this point.

PA and AM are too smart to let their numbers get out. If the numbers got out, they would revoke the offer instantly. That's how they work, I think. If it takes 8/200 to do it... If they were willing to match that or beat it, they wouldn't let anyone know about it... except Tex and his representation.

There seems to be lot riding on this - B-Rob extension, Markakis contract talks, credibility with your fan base, the mentoring of a young Matt Wieters by a fellow Tech alum, the reputation of the franchise... Tex comes here and other FA's are willing to consider the Orioles as a destination...

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