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MacPhail: Savior or not?

TJ Wrangler

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This doesn't pass the smell test for you? ;)
Nope. Confuses the persecuted for the persecutor.

Personally I think this is more applicable:

Megalomania (from the Greek word μεγαλομανία) is a historical term for behavior characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, genius, or omnipotence - often generally termed as delusions of grandeur or grandiose delusions. It is a Greek word ,"megalo" meaning "very large", "great", or "exaggerated" and "mania" meaning obsession thus combining to denote an obsession with, either in the form of irrational perceived need for, or preoccupation with one's own estimation of having and/or obtaining, grandiosity and extravagance (especially in the form of great fame and popularity, material wealth, social influence or political power, or more than one or even all of the aforesaid) and accompanying complete desirous and bombastic abandon; a common symptom if not the key diagnostic feature of megalomania. It may be a symptom of manic or paranoid disorders.[citation needed] However it is not considered a distinct mental disorder of itself according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.


I found this to be particularly pertinent.

Delusions of grandeur may be seen as distinct from megalomania: An overweening and excessive preoccupation with one's own importance, though it may be considered pathological, is not necessarily delusional. A delusion of grandeur, if it is a true delusion, must meet the psychiatric criteria for delusion. Whereas it is possible, in the case of megalomania, for an actually important man/woman to be preoccupied with his/her own actual importance, a person suffering from delusions of grandeur would stubbornly entertain patently false, generally fantastic and often highly complex ideas of his/her own importance, often with a supernatural or science-fictional bent. A person suffering from delusions of grandeur may actually be an important figure, as in the case of the mathematician John Nash, who once rejected a prestigious academic chair on the grounds that he was due to be enthroned as the Emperor of Antarctica.:)

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My question is this: How many mistakes (i.e. trading Roberts for three players who end up not panning out at all) do you think McPhail can make and still keep this organization going in the right direction to compete in the next 5 years in the AL east. I don't think it is any. I don't think AM can make a single major mistake whether it be trading a tradable player for peanuts, or making a bad signing that hurts the team financially (think Albert Belle.) And if that is indeed the case then he must be extremely diligent with any move he makes.

There is not a lot of room for error. And if it means AM has to take his time making moves, and that necessarily limits his ability to make moves in season, than that is something I can live with. However I do believe the addition of Krivsky will help with in season moves next year.

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People always bring this up but this really doesn't mean much. I am not sure if Beane or Shuerholz have sons or not but if they do, does that mean their sons will automatically be great GMs?

Yes, he grew up in baseball but you can also say that the only reason he is where he is today is because of his last name..not based on merit.

He may have gotten his foot in the door because of his last name, but 2 World Series Rings and multiple division titles have taken him alot further than he would have gotten for just being Lee & Larry's son/grandson.

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You were saying all offseason that 8/160 would be your limit...How can you criticize AM for not going 1-2 million over his limit when you were saying the same thing all offseason?

Well, if you say "don't do X" and then later say "definitely do X", then you can claim to be right no matter what the result turns out to be ;-)

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You were saying all offseason that 8/160 would be your limit...How can you criticize AM for not going 1-2 million over his limit when you were saying the same thing all offseason?

Because, at this point, it looks as if PA is saying, you can go higher...The budget will be there(i say this assuming what Sonny and Belkast have said is true)...if those who crunch the numbers say that they can handle the payroll, then they need to go higher.

I said what I said without knowledge of what was going to happen in the negotiations or knowing what kind of budget AM will truly have.

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Nope. Confuses the persecuted for the persecutor.

Personally I think this is more applicable:

Megalomania (from the Greek word μεγαλομανία) is a historical term for behavior characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, genius, or omnipotence - often generally termed as delusions of grandeur or grandiose delusions. It is a Greek word ,"megalo" meaning "very large", "great", or "exaggerated" and "mania" meaning obsession thus combining to denote an obsession with, either in the form of irrational perceived need for, or preoccupation with one's own estimation of having and/or obtaining, grandiosity and extravagance (especially in the form of great fame and popularity, material wealth, social influence or political power, or more than one or even all of the aforesaid) and accompanying complete desirous and bombastic abandon; a common symptom if not the key diagnostic feature of megalomania. It may be a symptom of manic or paranoid disorders.[citation needed] However it is not considered a distinct mental disorder of itself according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.


I found this to be particularly pertinent.

Delusions of grandeur may be seen as distinct from megalomania: An overweening and excessive preoccupation with one's own importance, though it may be considered pathological, is not necessarily delusional. A delusion of grandeur, if it is a true delusion, must meet the psychiatric criteria for delusion. Whereas it is possible, in the case of megalomania, for an actually important man/woman to be preoccupied with his/her own actual importance, a person suffering from delusions of grandeur would stubbornly entertain patently false, generally fantastic and often highly complex ideas of his/her own importance, often with a supernatural or science-fictional bent. A person suffering from delusions of grandeur may actually be an important figure, as in the case of the mathematician John Nash, who once rejected a prestigious academic chair on the grounds that he was due to be enthroned as the Emperor of Antarctica.:)

Can I play? The above is an example of Sophism.

A sophism is taken as a specious argument used for deceiving someone. It might be crafted to seem logical while actually being wrong, or it might use difficult words and complicated sentences to intimidate the audience into agreeing, or it might appeal to the audience's prejudices and emotions rather than logic, i.e. raising doubts towards the one asserting, rather than his assertion. The goal of a sophism is often to make the audience believe the writer or speaker to be smarter than he or she actually is, e.g., accusing another of sophistry for using persuasion techniques. An argument Ad Hominem is an example of Sophistry.

A sophist is a user of sophisms, i.e., an insincere person trying to confuse or deceive people. A sophist tries to persuade the audience while paying little attention to whether his argument is logical and factual.

Source - wikipedia
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Its a joke based on the irony of having an inside report from someone with that name. I figured it would lighten everyone up after they created a whole fiasco over my name. Would you like me to change it to Truthful McHonesty? ;)

I would like to see something like, maybe, Jardin Gustner. (If that has not been taken.)

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