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Roch Kubatko sets the OH on fire


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I'm not a mod so I'm not going to put out an opinion on that. No board is perfect, but once people get used to this one and settle in most of us come to think it's one of the best places on the internet. If I played for the Orioles I wouldn't show up my manager, and since I post on this board but am not responsible for any of the maintenance or content I'm not going to give the people who are any trouble unless I think it's really, really justified. We are all only human and watching the O's can be frustrating, so almost everyone gets fed up and lashes out occasionally.

Anyway, there is a rule about not openly criticizing the moderation in the forums. Honestly I didn't join the board when I first found out about it because I thought that was dictatorial or something, but now I think that having to keep our mouths shut sometimes when someone hurts our feelings is a million times better than reading a board full of trolls and completely baseless, ignorant posts. I hope you too come to enjoy the OH for its by and large witty discussion and the sense of community that exists among those who have been around awhile, but if not there are other places out there to discuss the Orioles. I like it here, so I walk the line.

Now please can we talk about Luis Hernandez and/or Miguel Tejada again? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Good advice and I will follow it but I think it may be too late for me. I got a red rating and a comment that it is "three strikes and you are out." I am sorry that someone feels that way. I would like to stay here as I think there are some of the most knowledgeble people around on this forum.

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Thanks for the advice as I like your board a lot and am thinking seriously about becoming a paying member. However, if moderators are going to lock posters threads whenever they disagree with the argument presented and then turn around later and re-visit their position because of a Blog by a Sun sportswriter, I am not sure if I will stay. This seems to be a bit like mind control or something of a similar nature, i.e., either adapt my way of thinking or like Chef Gordon Ramsey on Hell's Kitchen "I will shut it down."

Now I obviously have not been here long enough to know if this is the norm or if it is merely I have rubbed someone the wrong way. If, so I would like to issue my heartfelt apology. One of the mods sent me a PM with some advice to try to be more open to discussion and I appreciated it. I told him that I have an emotional attachment to my two favorite sports teams, the Orioles and Ravens and sometimes get caught up by it only because I want so badly for them to be successful.

I don't know the specifics of the situation but I do know a few things. Drungo is well respected by me and most people on this board. I trust his judgement. Is he perfect, no, but he's been on this board a long time and he knows the way we run things.

Saying that, he was obviously joking about agreeing with Roch. I know where Jon (Drungo) stands on the matter and if there's one thing I do know it's that Jon is not swayed very often away from his numbers and trends.

I have no problem with you having a differing opinion, in fact, I think it brings out good discussion, but what you need to stay away from is the me vs them mentality, especially since you are new to the community. Your opinions will be respected as long as they are backed up. If you comes across with posts like "you can't tell me the infield is not better with Hernandes" you are setting a confrontational tone.

You are welcome to have any opinion you like, but getting into the moderation in your first 300 posts is not the best way to have yourself welcomed into the community.

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I think the reason why Drungo "changed his position" is because Roch wasn't saying "let's replace Tejada at short with Hernandez." He was saying "maybe it's an idea to give Tejada a couple starts a week at DH." There's a difference inherent there.

I wasn't saying that either. What I was espousing was mere removal of Tejada from short and either playing Hernadez, Gomez, or Fahey there as Trembley has been doing. I do realize though that one of them (Fahey or Hernadez has to be sent down).

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When's Bynum coming back again? I think at that point this discussion will be moot anyways, unless they decide to send Knott down (again).

Wouldn't shock me.

I think you have to give Tejada his job back. The guy is the best player on the team and who knows how he'll adapt to this refreshing attitude that Trembley has injected. I can't imagine he wouldn't thrive.

As an aside, I love the way Trembley calls the players by their last names. Not sure why.

All I know about Bynum is he hadn't started baseball activities as of a couple of days ago. I really think if Hernandez survives today's cut and continues to get his hits he should be kept on the roster ahead of Bynum, even if it's just a short-term thing and he returns to being a .500ish OPS guy and has to go down. I just don't trust Bynum in any situation on the field. He boots too many balls and makes too many bad baserunning and fielding decisions. Sure he has occasional flashes of brilliance but can you even begin to rely on those happening when you really need them instead of him making an error or getting picked off when he comes in for defense or running?

As for Tejada, I really, really hope Trembley gets through to him. It certainly seems possible that he will, but part of Trembley's philosophy is that he has to get the guys to buy in to trusting him about what's best for the team instead of insisting on what they want. I suspect Tejada will be great for the first few days, but what happens the first time he gets yelled at? What happens the first time Trembley tells him he's getting the day off? It'll be interesting to see.

Does he even call Roberts by his last name? It seems to me everybody always calls him B-Rob or Robbie or Brian or something kind of diminutive and affectionate.

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I don't know the specifics of the situation but I do know a few things. Drungo is well respected by me and most people on this board. I trust his judgement. Is he perfect, no, but he's been on this board a long time and he knows the way we run things.

Saying that, he was obviously joking about agreeing with Roch. I know where Jon (Drungo) stands on the matter and if there's one thing I do know it's that Jon is not swayed very often away from his numbers and trends.

I have no problem with you having a differing opinion, in fact, I think it brings out good discussion, but what you need to stay away from is the me vs them mentality, especially since you are new to the community. Your opinions will be respected as long as they are backed up. If you comes across with posts like "you can't tell me the infield is not better with Hernandes" you are setting a confrontational tone.

You are welcome to have any opinion you like, but getting into the moderation in your first 300 posts is not the best way to have yourself welcomed into the community.

I understand, again I just let my emotions get the best of me as I happen to love the defense at short with Tejada no longer there!:)

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I wasn't saying that either. What I was espousing was mere removal of Tejada from short and either playing Hernadez, Gomez, or Fahey there as Trembley has been doing. I do realize though that one of them (Fahey or Hernadez has to be sent down).

Hopefully it's Fahey so the fan fav Hernandez can stay and spell Tejada from time to time. Just looking at Fahey scares me.

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Good advice and I will follow it but I think it may be too late for me. I got a red rating and a comment that it is "three strikes and you are out." I am sorry that someone feels that way. I would like to stay here as I think there are some of the most knowledgeble people around on this forum.

You'll be okay, dude.

Just pick your battles a little bit!!!

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Good advice and I will follow it but I think it may be too late for me. I got a red rating and a comment that it is "three strikes and you are out." I am sorry that someone feels that way. I would like to stay here as I think there are some of the most knowledgeble people around on this forum.

As long as you're not "released" yet you still have a chance. If people percieve a change in your tone and that you are contributing without picking fights you'll get back to being a "rookie fresh out of training camp" in no time. I too had a red pip very briefly once. I thought the thing I got dinged for was very silly, but it did teach me to word things more carefully.

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All I know about Bynum is he hadn't started baseball activities as of a couple of days ago. I really think if Hernandez survives today's cut and continues to get his hits he should be kept on the roster ahead of Bynum, even if it's just a short-term thing and he returns to being a .500ish OPS guy and has to go down. I just don't trust Bynum in any situation on the field. He boots too many balls and makes too many bad baserunning and fielding decisions. Sure he has occasional flashes of brilliance but can you even begin to rely on those happening when you really need them instead of him making an error or getting picked off when he comes in for defense or running?

As for Tejada, I really, really hope Trembley gets through to him. It certainly seems possible that he will, but part of Trembley's philosophy is that he has to get the guys to buy in to trusting him about what's best for the team instead of insisting on what they want. I suspect Tejada will be great for the first few days, but what happens the first time he gets yelled at? What happens the first time Trembley tells him he's getting the day off? It'll be interesting to see.

Does he even call Roberts by his last name? It seems to me everybody always calls him B-Rob or Robbie or Brian or something kind of diminutive and affectionate.

Definitely have heard him refer to Roberts as "Roberts" on more than one occasion. It's very refreshing to me for some reason.

I think Tejada will be fine. Gary Sheffield told me so. :P

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I understand, again I just let my emotions get the best of me as I happen to love the defense at short with Tejada no longer there!:)

See how easy it is to become green again? No problems, enjoy the boards. Besides, Drungo needs a Lex Luther to keep him honest... :D

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