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Cubs trade DeRosa to Indians; Does this mean Pie for Olson back on??


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Right, and that's if everything goes right. We could be looking at possibly 20 straight losing seasons if it doesn't...

Had we signed Tex, Burnett and say Sheets or Kawakami, the losing would have ended in 2010 if not 2009 IMO...

You keep saying that the "Rays took 8 years to rebuild" and warning that that's the road ahead of us.

But Friedman was hired in 2006. By your logic, the O's have been "rebuilding" now for 11 years, and so we shouldn't have that much longer to go.

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I guess another way to look at is , are the Orioles a better team before or after the Hernandez trade?

Well, that's easy.

After. They've got an upgrade already in the system in Wieters at no extra cost and they upgraded the SS position by something like 1-2 wins and added system depth.

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What's obvious is that marketing analysis (done by our beloved Mr. Beane) shows that signing marquee names only helps attendance if there is an attendant (no pun intended) increase in wins. So, the idea that any of those guys, if they gave us the 3, 4, or 5 more wins they're predicted to, would likely have improved attendance only marginally. And not "filled a good portion of those seats."

So...no, I guess I'm not aware of what you think is obvious.

Sorry to do this to you again, but Johnny said "moves to improve the club" not "sign big names".

I think this is indicative of the commotion here lately. Posters aren't taking the time to read each other's words carefully and then we all get in a tizzy. There is so much generalization going on, not you in this instance Lucky Jim, that I barely can keep track of who is on what side, let alone any nuances.

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