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#5 will be Missed

Sammy Seagull

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I'm thankful that I had a chance to see him last season during the Astros series. 


I met him when I was a kid. He had partial ownership in some car dealerships and came to small town Crisfield, MD to meet the kids... and a large assembly of adults that remembered his playing days. Even as a kid, I knew how good of a human being he was.

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Extremely sad day. I can't remember a time in my life when Brooks was not part of the O's. So many incredible memories back to the late 1950's, which also brings back so many memories of family and friends no longer with us. Brooks was one of the most beloved players in the history of baseball, and rightfully so. What an incredible player and person - a great example of humility and grace and of how to act and treat others. We all lost a close family member today. Thank you Brooks. 

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I'm just a little too young to have seen him play for the Orioles, but I did get to watch him making a diving grab in one of the Cracker Jack old timers games at RFK. Growing up he and Chuck Thompson were the TV commentators for the O's, so I certainly felt like I got to know him through that. Boy Howdy.

This is a tough one.

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I remember walking up the ramp to my first game in 1975 when I was 5 or 6.  I don't remember the date of the game, but I turned six that summer.  What I do remember is that in the heat of that droughty summer, with yellow lawns all over, the grass at Memorial Stadium was as green as green could be and Brooksie was on 3rd base fielding batting practice.  I looked up and my mom and aunt and asked, "Is that Brooksie on 3rd?"  Yep, they said nonchalantly.  I was in Heaven.

God bless you Brooksie and Godspeed to you.

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“There is not a man who knows him who wouldn’t swear for his integrity and honesty and give testimony to his consideration of others. He’s an extraordinary human being, which is important, and the world’s greatest third baseman of all time, which is incidental.”

- John Steadman


Had the honor of meeting him several times. Had lunch with him once. Saw him play late in his career. Rest well Sir. You have earned it. 

Tell Earl and Frank for us. 

Edited by foxfield
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I'm going to butcher this memory somewhat. I was in HS when I went to what I think was the Brooks Robinson HOF game at Memorial Stadium. It was pouring rain, the O's did not want to send a sellout crowd home. My sister and I stuck it out, the O's were down 3 (or more) runs in the 9th. They hit something like 5 singles in a row to win the game. Awesome memory on Brooks' night

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