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Poll: Roberts for 4/44?


Do you like a 4/44 deal for BRob?  

245 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like a 4/44 deal for BRob?

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It is scary so many people would be okay with that contract. We are by most accounts two years off from any sort of contention. Two of those four years would be wasted on a 4th or 5th place finish. Come 2011 and hopefully a climb in the standings he will be 33. Plus take in account O. Hudson is begging teams to give him 1 year @ 5 million. This IMO would be Andy first mistake this winter.

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I voted yes, even though I don't really "like" the price.

The old baseball adage is that you're underpaid when you're young & overpaid when you're old. While I wouldn't encourage to Orioles brass to make that their M.O. in general, Roberts is a special case as a plus on and off the field.

Personally, I hope he never wears another uniform, though I won't get all emotional and smiley-crazy if he does.

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I'm waiting for SG to come in and bash this deal and say its "beyond awful" or something.


I don't have a problem with it, the guys been good to Baltimore for awhile now. He's been through a lot of crap since he's been here and it's refreshing to see a high caliber player actually WANT to be here.

I'd hope the first year would be 2009 but if it's not I won't cry about it and act like its the end of the world....cause it's not.

That's beyond perceptive of you, Moose. Whatever SG's take on this, I'll go the opposite way.
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4/44? Whatever for?

I agree that BRob might still have some leverage, but in this economy, I doubt his lever is much longer than a broomstick. I don't think that's enough to get 4/44 off the ground, unless year four is a team option.

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It is too much money to put into second base. Any other position on the field and I'd be ok with it. One of Miclat, Turner, Paco, or any number of players from outside the organization could probably give us similar production by 2011, but we are still going to be on the hook for $20M+. He will be untradeable. He isn't like a corner infielder or outfielder who can possibly take the role of a utility player and move around the diamond. I like the guy and hope I'm wrong, it is just the position he plays.

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I'm with Hank, I can't see the deal being 4/44.

How is that a compromise between the 3/30 & 4/40, which was the reported starting points in negotiation? The market is down (ask O-Dog) which works against Roberts too.

My prediction is they give him the fourth year but for less than 40 million.

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I do really want Roberts to stay, but 4/44...:eek: No....definitely not, and if that is what he's expecting....? Well, good luck with whatever team foolish enough to high-jacked.

We apparently offered 3/30 and he turned it down.....and IMO, shame on him. And while I think the 4th year isn't a major hurdle, the tops I would go would be 4/36.

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The Markakis signing is more relevant to the B-Rob negotiations than Orlando Hudson...

Hudson has had an injury-plagued career, and teams are hesitant to give a 31yr old 2B big money who's health is in question...

The Orioles have no one in place to fill B-Rob's place in the batting order, or in the field. It makes sense for the Orioles to extend him. B-Rob has become quite the fixture in the Baltimore community, and he would rather stay where he is...

4yrs/42M...Go O's!!!

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Sometimes you just have to pay a little more than you would like to get what you need. This is one of those times.

Brian Roberts is very productive and, because of the way he takes care of himself, I think he is likely to remain very productive for most of the next four years.

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