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The Skankees have some mighty interesting rituals...


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One of the Yankees purchased a toy WWE championship belt and when the team wins a game, it goes to the hitter who had the best day. When Ramiro Pena went 3 for 4 on Friday, he found the belt in his locker.

The kid they call “El Nino” was thrilled.

“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with it,” he said. “But I like having it.”

It went to Jorge Posada the next day for his four RBI. Posada displayed it proudly in his locker.


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I bet you would choose the :clap3: smiley instead of the :ohlord: smiley if it was the O's.

This isn't the Yankees being obnoxious or stupid, just fun and games.

Eh, to each their own.

Just seems kinda lame to me. :noidea:

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