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Lack of talent showing....


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SG is right in that Mora should be batting second. We need true #3 and #4 hitters. There are some pieces on this team, just not enough. And it is a shame because the few pieces that we have are not getting any younger. They are ready to win now. BB is right in that we do not have as much talent as the other AL east teams and he is also right that we don't have much of value to trade. How in the world could we turn down a guy like Glaus who wanted to come here and who the D-Backs were willing to trade to us? We had better pray that Penn and Loewen pick it up because we are in big trouble if they do not, and it doesn't look good right now. I completely disagree with BB about the ability of this team to take on more salary. This team CAN afford a $100 million payroll. They CHOOSE not to. We can tap into the naming rights and other revenue generating opportunities. For example, we can use our own money to add more sky boxes as an investment that will pay dividends later. We have 0 debt. We could borrow money, like the Blue Jays did to improve the talent on this team. We could borrow against MASN. Our owners could afford to take additional losses to increase payroll. This franchise is one of the most valuable in baseball. We CAN spend more money. Anything is better than just losing year after year after year.

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Who cares? What does this mean?

Your answer is probably Mussina...Although Ponson likely would have had we not dealt him a few years ago.

RLo went 15-12 last year, 14-9 in 2004 and 15-9 in 2002.

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No offense SG, the Jays a lot more talented. The BJ's worst two positional players in the lineup are Cat and Hill. The O's are Millar and Conine. Will even take one out Conine if you are gona state it is because Matos is injured. Would rather have Cat then Matos. Hill still has potential, if you are gona make that statement with Markakis.

The BJ's are a 81-85 win team, O's are 66-71 win team. i would say that is a big difference.

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No offense SG, the Jays a lot more talented. The BJ's worst two positional players in the lineup are Cat and Hill. The O's are Millar and Conine. Will even take one out Conine if you are gona state it is because Matos is injured. Would rather have Cat then Matos. Hill still has potential, if you are gona make that statement with Markakis.

The BJ's are a 81-85 win team, O's are 66-71 win team. i would say that is a big difference.

LOL...Is that a joke? How uneducated!

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Who cares? What does this mean?

It's evidence this team lacks talent, the topic of this thread, and has lacked it for years.

Every free agent is too expensive, every trade costs the Orioles an amazing prospect. No one's healthy enough to sign, no GM last long enough to develop a plan.

How is it Toronto developed talent and signs free agents?

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It's evidence this team lacks talent, the topic of this thread, and has lacked it for years.

Every free agent is too expensive, every trade costs the Orioles an amazing prospect. No one's healthy enough to sign, no GM last long enough to develop a plan.

How is it Toronto developed talent and signs free agents?

No it's not. It proves nothing.

The team's record and the players themselves show the lack of talent...Havign a pitcher not win over 15 doesn't show anything.

RLo has won 15 games twice...Had he won 16 one of those years, would that make us much more talented?

I do not even know why you post....It is the same song and dance with you every post. Can you bring anything else to the table?

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No it's not. It proves nothing.

The team's record and the players themselves show the lack of talent...Havign a pitcher not win over 15 doesn't show anything.

RLo has won 15 games twice...Had he won 16 one of those years, would that make us much more talented?

I do not even know why you post....It is the same song and dance with you every post. Can you bring anything else to the table?

Not until angelos leaves. He has destroyed baseball for Baltimore. He has taken the joy out of summer. He is the embodiment of the callous, greedy and evil owner. It took angelos to make Steinbrenner look like a rational and thoughtful man.

Not until every fan gets up and chants angelos name in every game will I dance another tune.

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"LOL...Is that a joke? How uneducated!" - SPORTSGUY

Hey SG, give the guy a break. If you think the O's will finish at 500 you are the uneducated one. You blasted me in the past for claiming that our BP wasn't very good. If you think the O's have the talent the Jays have then you are dreaming. Heck, you seem to suggest that we should be interested in Maddux. That is UNEDUCATED!

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"LOL...Is that a joke? How uneducated!" - SPORTSGUY

Hey SG, give the guy a break. If you think the O's will finish at 500 you are the uneducated one. You blasted me in the past for claiming that our BP wasn't very good. If you think the O's have the talent the Jays have then you are dreaming. Heck, you seem to suggest that we should be interested in Maddux. That is UNEDUCATED!

Coming from you, this post is a compliment...Thank you.

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LOL...Is that a joke? How uneducated!

How many wins do you project for the Orioles and Blue Jays then?

Believe the bookies in vegas opened up at over under at 72 and the Blue Jays at 83. Orioles are looking worse so took them down a bit.

What is your rationale?

Current line of winning the East is Orioles at 50-1, Blue Jays at 6-1. Obviously someone feels strongly that the Blue Jays are better.

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How many wins do you project for the Orioles and Blue Jays then?

Believe the bookies in vegas opened up at over under at 72 and the Blue Jays at 83. Orioles are looking worse so took them down a bit.

What is your rationale?

Current line of winning the East is Orioles at 50-1, Blue Jays at 6-1. Obviously someone feels strongly that the Blue Jays are better.

We are only a half a game behind the BJ's but whatever.

I have said all offseason that the Jays will end up 3-5 wins better than us.

Many of the stat analysis guys on here have said the BJ's are not better than us and are in fact overrated.

The BJ's have a higher ceiling than us but to think we are worse than last year is foolish.

BTW, i could care less about odds and things like that. They mean NOTHING!

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How many wins do you project for the Orioles and Blue Jays then?

Believe the bookies in vegas opened up at over under at 72 and the Blue Jays at 83. Orioles are looking worse so took them down a bit.

What is your rationale?

Current line of winning the East is Orioles at 50-1, Blue Jays at 6-1. Obviously someone feels strongly that the Blue Jays are better.

Seriously, those projections were made because of the off-season signings the Jays made, and honestly, neither has really worked out as planned.

Every statistical analysis has shown that the Jays and O's arent that far away competition wise, so unless you can come up with something better than "well the vegas bookie said it, so it must be true", then you have no right to call out anyone.

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