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Your Thoughts on MLB Draft Format?

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It starts at noon I think.

I liked the format. There was perhaps too much time between picks, but as someone who isn't quite as familiar with all the names (well I knew a good deal about the first few guys picked thanks to the OH) I liked having some analysis and video to watch.

Maybe it will grow over time as more baseball fans become increasingly aware of it and pay more attention to the development of players. I have no data to back that up, it just seems to me that in general there is loads more info available about prospects and minor league systems, so maybe more people will get interested.

It might help to have the players there, too -- who was there last night, Trout? It's always exciting and makes for good t.v. to see a kid get selected , family and friends congratulating him, go up to the podium to be introduced, etc.

I like this idea too. It can't be too hard. Just bring in about 5-10 guys, like the NFL does.

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I liked it actually. It will get more interesting when they go to a hard rookie cap in 2 years. That will be one of the adamant points of the owners in the next CBA, that the slot system become mandatory and not a suggestion. It's a way to circumvent the entire arbitration system right now, as kids can get more in bonus money than they would make their first 3 under team control years if they just hold out for it, and the kids don't have anything to lose by just not signing.

:deadhorse: Oh, don't even get me started on this one. When will MLB get it? Once this is instituted then I believe you could also implement trading of draft picks.

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:deadhorse: Oh, don't even get me started on this one. When will MLB get it? Once this is instituted then I believe you could also implement trading of draft picks.

Yup, totally agree. I think it has finally set in now, hence why they are pushing so hard on the slot things. Just the rumblings I've heard have said this is one of their major, will not give areas, and possibly their alternative to an overall salary cap.

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How does the NCAA let these guys play baseball if they don't sign when they have these "advisors" who are clearly agents, negotiating on their behalf?

Basketball players get suspended basically just for talking to an agent. Baseball players are having agents in their ears essentially negotiating with the teams for them and the NCAA overlooks it.

The agents are the only people I'd think would be against a hard cap or mandatory slotting for draft picks. The current MLBPA wouldn't care, because that wouldn't effect them, the HS/college kids it would effect have no voice, its just the agents who would be losing lots of commission dollars in signing bonuses here.

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How does the NCAA let these guys play baseball if they don't sign when they have these "advisors" who are clearly agents, negotiating on their behalf?

Basketball players get suspended basically just for talking to an agent. Baseball players are having agents in their ears essentially negotiating with the teams for them and the NCAA overlooks it.

The agents are the only people I'd think would be against a hard cap or mandatory slotting for draft picks. The current MLBPA wouldn't care, because that wouldn't effect them, the HS/college kids it would effect have no voice, its just the agents who would be losing lots of commission dollars in signing bonuses here.

You would think it would be that simple but it's not. The Players Association has strongly pushed against any type of cap on the draft or for teams. They feel it will set a bad precedent.

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Yup, totally agree. I think it has finally set in now, hence why they are pushing so hard on the slot things. Just the rumblings I've heard have said this is one of their major, will not give areas, and possibly their alternative to an overall salary cap.

I think the Strasburg signing (when he signs) will finally have the owners strongly push for a hard cap (slotting system) for the draft.

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I think the Strasburg signing (when he signs) will finally have the owners strongly push for a hard cap (slotting system) for the draft.

I think even the rumors of asking for $50 mil have already done that. Can you imagine if they start getting to NFL like numbers? The entire arbitration system will be worthless.

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