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NCAA Football Week 9

Birds of B'more

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Please fire Charlie Weis now. I can't take it anymore. Please!!

Between this guy and the Fridge, it just furthers my very iffy belief that obese guys can't quite do it when it comes to running the whole show, including recruiting. I'm not sure what the ND guy is best at, but if I was hunting an OC, Ralph is the guy who I'd want...

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I realize nobody here but me cares about GT. For those who didn't watch the game, GT QB Josh Nesbitt had a bad night that, combined with a few costly penalties, produced a game that was way closer than it should have been. In the first OT, after Wake had to settle for a FG, GT coach Paul Johnson opted to not kick a FG on 4th down to take it to a 2nd OT. Instead, he went for it on 4th-and-1. That was either ballsy or stupid, depending on how you look at it. Since it worked, and everything turned out fine in the end, it counts as ballsy. But when it was over, I made myself one very stout margarita...

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