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Do you root for Brob, Ramon, or Tejada?


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Before voting to place an asterisk on the Barry Bonds 756 ball or launch it into space, you should consider this question: Do you cheer the players on your favorite team who are suspected of using performance enhancers? If so, you have no credibility -- none, nada zero, zip -- if you consider Bonds a cheat while giving your players a free pass. Cheer steroid users or boo them, just be consistent.

I do. So I voted to send it to Cooperstown unbranded.

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There's a big difference between BRob who was once rumored to have been accused by someone who says he never accused him and Bonds who there is a significant amount of evidence against. That being said, I really don't care if Bonds used steroids or not I just don't like him because he's an arrogant jerk. The record is really blown out of proportion. Everybody knows what was going on in the game at the time he broke it, just leave it in the record books and let people make their own decision whether to respect him for it or not.

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I'll root for them until I know without a doubt that they're users. Either they test positive or there's proof that they were previous users. If it comes to light that they are/were users, then sadly, they're no better than Bonds and they'd deserve the same scrutiny.

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I'll root for them until I know without a doubt that they're users. Either they test positive or there's proof that they were previous users. If it comes to light that they are/were users, then sadly, they're no better than Bonds and they'd deserve the same scrutiny.

Nobody deserves or merits the level of scrutiny Bonds is getting for something as trivial as drug use or cheating at a game. He's not a murder/child molester/rapist/terrorist. He's an obnoxious, arrogant guy who was very good at baseball, made himself a little better through chemisty, and will likely suffer health consequences later in his life if he used as much as one might think based on the alleged growth in his head and feet. If he caused anybody cancer, it was only himself.

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