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Pie limps off field


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Per Roch:

X-rays taken on Felix Pie's right ankle came back negative.

Pie was nailed by a Mariano Rivera pitch in the sixth inning and limped off the field. He returned to Sarasota for the X-rays.

Rivera was off his game today, walking the leadoff batter and lacking his usual pinpoint control. I doubt that he targeted Pie with two outs and a runner on first base as retaliation for Jeremy Guthrie hitting Mark Teixeira earlier this week, though it spiced up an otherwise nondescript Grapefruit League game that ended in a 6-6 tie.


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I got drilled in the ankle, right on the bone in high school. Granted whoever was pitching didn't throw nearly as hard as Rivera but at that point there isn't much of anything there to absorb the impact...it's pretty much just skin on top of bone.

I was on crutches for about 4-5 days. Bruised ligaments and tendons, IIRC.

Pie didn't get hit on the ankle. He got hit on the side of his leg, right on the top strap of his shin-armor...

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Do you guys really think that they would play Montanez or Gathright instead of mixing/matching Scott/Reimold instead? I mean, who gives us the better chance to win, matchups aside?

I agree, Scott and Reimold would split time between DH and left field. Hopefully Felix is okay.

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My bad...thought for some reason it was on his ankle.

Well, that's what I thought too, based on how a few people here were jumping up and down about it... but then I watched it on TIVO... based on what I saw, I could not understand what the BFD was all about... so I watched it again. It was nothing. It's not like Pie went into some high-drama agony dance. He did hit the ground, but then he just got up and started walking it off, and DT came out and sent him into the clubhouse.

This whole things started because some so-called reporter sent out some reactionary OMG twittery noise that made it sound like something it wasn't... that message included some ridiculous thing about him getting beaned and being questionable for OD, which was a downright stupid thing to say...

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Well, that's what I thought too, based on how a few people here were jumping up and down about it... but then I watched it on TIVO... based on what I saw, I could not understand what the BFD was all about... so I watched it again. It was nothing. It's not like Pie went into some high-drama agony dance. He did hit the ground, but then he just got up and started walking it off, and DT came out and sent him into the clubhouse.

This whole things started because some so-called reporter sent out some reactionary OMG twittery noise that made it sound like something it wasn't... that message included some ridiculous thing about him getting beaned and being questionable for OD, which was a downright stupid thing to say...

Honestly, to me this kind of precautionary thing gets "tweeted" so fantasy baseball owners know that there's a possibility that he may miss a few games. Just my opinion, but subtract fantasy baseball from the picture, and I doubt you hear anything like that.

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Honestly, to me this kind of precautionary thing gets "tweeted" so fantasy baseball owners know that there's a possibility that he may miss a few games. Just my opinion, but subtract fantasy baseball from the picture, and I doubt you hear anything like that.

Who has Felix Pie on their fantasy team?

Pie is the new Mora when it comes to injuries.

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Who is the team's bigger "drama queen"...Pie or Koji?

No question those two top the list, but I've got to go with Felix. This could be a breakout year for him if he can stay healthy and learn to work through the inevitable bumps and bruises that come with the season.

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No question those two top the list, but I've got to go with Felix. This could be a breakout year for him if he can stay healthy and learn to work through the inevitable bumps and bruises that come with the season.
If we are talking about yesterday's incidennt, I don't get the drama queen references. He didn't over react to getting hit and he didn't take himself out of the game. If he has done those things in the past what he did yesterday does nothing to add to that reputatio,. This is just another example of people deciding on a steriotype of a certain playe,r and then using any excuise to buid on that steriotype.
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Not just when it comes to injuries. He's the whipping boy for all things, it would seem.

I do not rip players but I do think Felix needs to toughen up a little. He had a good spring on top of very good August. I think he has ability to become an All Star type player but he is one guy that for me is tough to project.

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I do not rip players but I do think Felix needs to toughen up a little. He had a good spring on top of very good August. I think he has ability to become an All Star type player but he is one guy that for me is tough to project.
What do you mean by toughen up? Avoid getting hit by pitches? Not letting Trembley take him out of games? Not pulling hamstrings because he is running all out? Pie seems to me to be a guy who wants to play all the time. I don't see how he has any control over these kinds of injuries. And how long he is out, is the medical people's call not his. I think this is just another example of the steriotyping I was talking about.
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