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Pie limps off field


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I am Pie's biggest supporter on this site...he is a drama queen.

But who cares? It is what it is...It doesn't make him less of a player or anything like that...it just means he likes to play up injuries when they don't end up being nearly as serious as he shows them to be.

If you want to think this is some negative thing that effects people's opinion of him as a player, that's on you...it doesn't appear that anyone is actually doing that, so this is just you trying to argue over nothing.

B-I-N-G-O and bingo was his name oh!

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Not really. The drama queen makes a big deal of things when they are originally hurt, but they come back out and play. The wimp misses games or goes on the DL for an injury that a lot players will play through.

Pie is not a wimp.

Fair enough. It's just that the term drama queen in most circles is considered extremely negative.

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I am Pie's biggest supporter on this site...he is a drama queen.

But who cares? It is what it is...It doesn't make him less of a player or anything like that...it just means he likes to play up injuries when they don't end up being nearly as serious as he shows them to be.

If you want to think this is some negative thing that effects people's opinion of him as a player, that's on you...it doesn't appear that anyone is actually doing that, so this is just you trying to argue over nothing.

So in your opinion drama queen is not a pejoritive? So the next time you get bent out of shape and over react to someone disagreeing with you I can refer to you that way and that will be OK, because it's doesn't have negative connotations for you?:rolleyestf:
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So in your opinion drama queen is not a pejoritive? So the next time you get bent out of shape and over react to someone disagreeing with you I can refer to you that way and that will be OK, because it's doesn't have negative connotations for you?:rolleyestf:

Thank you for proving my point.

And really, you attempting to insult me is pretty funny, so I really don't care.

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Howsabout if we all agree that, for purposes here:

  • Pie is a bit of a drama queen.
  • This refers only to his immediate and passing reaction to pain or other physical discomfort.
  • We're just talking about the first 15 seconds of ouch, not about the next hour or the next day or the next week.
  • He is not a wimp who begs out of ballgames, he just reacts dramatically in the moment.
  • Being a drama queen in this regard has zilch to do with his ability, his courage, his work ethic, or his eagerness to play ball.

Can we all live with that?

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Howsabout if we all agree that, for purposes here:
  • Pie is a bit of a drama queen.
  • This refers only to his immediate and passing reaction to pain or other physical discomfort.
  • We're just talking about the first 15 seconds of ouch, not about the next hour or the next day or the next week.
  • He is not a wimp who begs out of ballgames, he just reacts dramatically in the moment.
  • Being a drama queen in this regard has zilch to do with his ability, his courage, his work ethic, or his eagerness to play ball.

Can we all live with that?

Sounds about right to me.

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Howsabout if we all agree that, for purposes here:
  • Pie is a bit of a drama queen.
  • This refers only to his immediate and passing reaction to pain or other physical discomfort.
  • We're just talking about the first 15 seconds of ouch, not about the next hour or the next day or the next week.
  • He is not a wimp who begs out of ballgames, he just reacts dramatically in the moment.
  • Being a drama queen in this regard has zilch to do with his ability, his courage, his work ethic, or his eagerness to play ball.

Can we all live with that?

I have to give you credit here. You nailed this one pretty good. :D

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I can't believe you guys are still going back and forth on something so trivial.

Oh wait, yes I can.

Everyone's bored because for some reason, in MLB's infinite wisdom, the Orioles don't open up until the 3rd day of the MLB season. That and the fact that El Gordo is doing his best Jtrea impression. :D

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So in your opinion drama queen is not a pejoritive?

Wow.....I didn't realize we had to be "politically correct" when posting on OH. To that point, I don’t think Tony’s statement was pejorative at all. He simply used a widely acceptable slang term to put Pie’s injury in context by minimizing it's true extent.

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Howsabout if we all agree that, for purposes here:
  • Pie is a bit of a drama queen.
  • This refers only to his immediate and passing reaction to pain or other physical discomfort.
  • We're just talking about the first 15 seconds of ouch, not about the next hour or the next day or the next week.
  • He is not a wimp who begs out of ballgames, he just reacts dramatically in the moment.
  • Being a drama queen in this regard has zilch to do with his ability, his courage, his work ethic, or his eagerness to play ball.

Can we all live with that?

Well, everyone but your buddy El Gordo was already on board with these obvious points. So, talk to him.

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Everyone's bored because for some reason, in MLB's infinite wisdom, the Orioles don't open up until the 3rd day of the MLB season. That and the fact that El Gordo is doing his best Jtrea impression. :D

Seriously, its kind of weirding me out having to wait until tomorrow night.

Oh, look... Pujols just hit a ding dong in his first at bat of the season.

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