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The other MASN team...


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The Nationals, are playing World Series caliber baseball compared to the O's.

They are 5-5 and have a team OPS of .754...and that is with pitchers getting 3 AB's a game.

I've started to follow the Caps more often lately...maybe I will start to do the same with the Nats.

Or not.

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I try to catch the Nats when it doesn't conflict with the O's. They've got a very good middle of the lineup with Zimmerman, Dunn, and Willingham, plus they have a pretty good leadoff guy in Morgan. They really improved at C by getting Pudge, and the rookie shortstop, Desmond, is having a good start.

On the downside, the defense is below average, and RF is a glaring hole. The rotation is suspect after Lannan, and I doubt Livan Hernandez continues to pitch like he has these first few starts. They shored up closer with Capps, but other than that the bullpen is nothing special.

The one thing the Nats have going for them is a relatively weak division. Philly is tough, but none of those other teams scare anyone. I think DC has a good chance of flirting with .500 this year, and if they get Strasberg up next year and add a RF through free agency, could make a wild card run in 2011.

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I am pulling for the Nats. Them getting better means more viewers and more money for MASN. It is also good for the area to have good baseball to watch. If the O's and Nats ever put it together for a long period of time, this area will be very fun to live in when it comes to baseball.

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The Nats drew a franchise low 11,623 last night and I think I heard the other day on the radio that they have had just 4 sellouts in the history of Nats Park (2 of which were against the Red Sox). You won't catch me at Nats Park unless the O's are in town.

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I am pulling for the Nats. Them betting better means more viewers and more money for MASN. It is also good for the area to have good baseball to watch. If the O's and Nats ever put it together for a long period of time, this area will be very fun to live in when it comes to baseball.

I am as well but haven't always felt that way. Imagine two great baseball teams in the area. You'd have a variety which is never a bad thing and it could make for a fun rivalry between the two teams. It would be like here in LA, where I can pick which team I want to go see win, even though I could care less about the Angels.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I flipped back and forth between the O's and Nats games yesterday, and the Nats won on a walk-off hit to take 2 of 3 from the Braves. They are 15-13...

I might start flipping back and forth between the games more often. The Nats are having the season we were supposed to have and I don't think it's blasphemy to pull for them to win, either.

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