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5/27: A's at O's


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BB's ERA just went back up. Thanks, Dave.

Oh jhit, Meredith up in the BP.


Bases loaded.

I don't like that we're in this situation in the first place, but I'm relieved that DT didn't pull Hendrickson vs. Fox.

Oh jeez, now we've got Meredith coming in with the bases loaded. Granted, some bad luck on those last two hits, but you just feel that leaving Berken in would have avoided this mess.

Ohman better be on his game, no matter what happens here.

DT trying not to pull relievers according to lefty-righty match-ups is like AJ trying to lay off low outside sliders.

This one's on DT. I haven't been on the fire Trembley bandwagon, but this game was clearly mismanaged. What a waste. This is just plain disgusting. :angryfire::cussing::cussing:

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