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2010 Mobbies: Vote for the Orioles Hangout!


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Wow Stacey. Winning the Mobbies really means THAT much to you that you'd stoop as low as to reach out to a Yankees fan message board?


From the thread...

I received an email from Stacy, one of the head writers at our Orioles sister-site Camden Chat that I thought was worth sharing with you all:

Camden Chat is currently defending its title as Best Orioles Blog in the Maryland's Outstanding Blogs competition held by the Baltimore Sun. We are currently in second place to a site called Orioles Hangout which, frankly speaking, is our arch-nemesis.

So please, if you want to help me vanquish this horrible foe, vote for Camden Chat here. You can vote once per day until November 12th. If you're inclined to help out other members of the SBN family, Baltimore Beatdown and Testudo Times are also on the ballot for Best Ravens Blog and Best Terps Blog, respectively.

Now you know I'm all about the vanquishing of an arch-nemesis. So vote.

Wow. "Arch nemesis"? "Horrible foe"?

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Wow Stacey. Winning the Mobbies really means THAT much to you that you'd stoop as low as to reach out to a Yankees fan message board?


From the thread...

I received an email from Stacy, one of the head writers at our Orioles sister-site Camden Chat that I thought was worth sharing with you all:

Camden Chat is currently defending its title as Best Orioles Blog in the Maryland's Outstanding Blogs competition held by the Baltimore Sun. We are currently in second place to a site called Orioles Hangout which, frankly speaking, is our arch-nemesis.

So please, if you want to help me vanquish this horrible foe, vote for Camden Chat here. You can vote once per day until November 12th. If you're inclined to help out other members of the SBN family, Baltimore Beatdown and Testudo Times are also on the ballot for Best Ravens Blog and Best Terps Blog, respectively.

Now you know I'm all about the vanquishing of an arch-nemesis. So vote.

Wow. "Arch nemesis"? "Horrible foe"?

I think we know who the complainer was! ;) Thought we weren't in competition with her site, but we're their "arch-nemisis?"

Honestly, I didn't even know that site existed until this year. I just don't understand why people can't just

At least everyone knows here that we would never, ever work with Yankees board. Yikes man, that's heresy! Orioles Hangout, the place where hating the Yankees is not only a right, it's a requirement. :D

I guess we'll see whether the Yankees board can make a difference against the Orioles Hangout community.

Oh, and by the way:


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Wow Stacey. Winning the Mobbies really means THAT much to you that you'd stoop as low as to reach out to a Yankees fan message board?


From the thread...

I received an email from Stacy, one of the head writers at our Orioles sister-site Camden Chat that I thought was worth sharing with you all:

Camden Chat is currently defending its title as Best Orioles Blog in the Maryland's Outstanding Blogs competition held by the Baltimore Sun. We are currently in second place to a site called Orioles Hangout which, frankly speaking, is our arch-nemesis.

So please, if you want to help me vanquish this horrible foe, vote for Camden Chat here. You can vote once per day until November 12th. If you're inclined to help out other members of the SBN family, Baltimore Beatdown and Testudo Times are also on the ballot for Best Ravens Blog and Best Terps Blog, respectively.

Now you know I'm all about the vanquishing of an arch-nemesis. So vote.

Wow. "Arch nemesis"? "Horrible foe"?

What were you doing looking at a Yankees board? Traitor. :D

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    • Nah man. Sorry you may not agree with me, but I'm definitely not that guy.
    • I'm not sure if it's been posted or not but his RC+ at 19 in AA is up there with names like Soto, Acuna, Holliday, Camineiro.   I think we have arguably 3 of the top 5-7 prospects in baseball with Holliday, Mayo, and Basallo.  
    • I don't think Basallo is untouchable.   You just don't trade him unless you are getting a no. 1-2 starter with several years of control remaining. I expect him to be a very good major league hitter but still worry about his defense.  I picked this up from the Fangraphs org review yesterday: "His arm strength is great and there were times last year when it looked incredible, but Basallo has been popping closer to 1.95 so far this year and his footwork is often pretty sloppy. As is true of a lot of catchers his age, he could stand to be more accurate and consistent coming out of his crouch. His receiving isn’t good, but it isn’t so terrible that it damns him to first base. His ball blocking might though, and it’s this area of Basallo’s game that most needs to improve. If this skill doesn’t progress, or if his size quickly forces him to move out from behind the plate, then his issues with chase would suddenly become more of a problem, though we’re probably still talking about a strong enough hit/power combo for Basallo to be an everyday first baseman." Basallo is young enough that he may overcome his defensive shortcomings and remain at C, but that remains a real risk for me.
    • I think that goes both ways though. He was playing pro ball under pro instruction at 16 when the US guys were playing HS varsity and still years away from pro instruction. The travel ball system in the US is extremely flawed. The kids live to play baseball in other countries and they DO have baseball resources available...how else could he have been on a MLB teams radar at 15 years old?
    • Agreed. I expect to see him sometime next season. Start with one of AAA catchers as a Backup and then move them along when Basallo is ready about this time next season.
    • Age at level is just one column on the statsheet, but it's maybe THE most substantial one to look at.  I understand the question you're asking in this thread. I think the argument SG and others are making could be said more gently as, you're acknowledging but still underrating how important the age aspect really is. Good performance at younger-than-level ages isn't just a nice feature, it's a huge indicator of future greatness. 
    • I think we go to a semi 6 man rotation and try and line up our rotation with that Yankees series right before the break.  I think in the 2nd half we'll see a 6 man rotation sometimes with the goal being to keep Burnes and Grayson rested for the playoffs.  Definitely 6 man if we get a vet like Scherzer.  
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