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Roch: AM isn't putting on a show for the fans by making offers he secretly hopes are turned down


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Well at least the Marketing campain has started. "Come join Buck's Birds!"

I find tagging the team "Buck's Birds" to raise all sorts of interesting questions.

Those who find political intrigue around every corner should have a field day with this one. :D

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I agree on the first part. That was very unprofessional and it's not the first time he has done this either.

As for token offers, I don't think that's necessarily what is happening but at the very least it's clear that MacPhail just doesn't have a clue about where the market is, and it's also clear that he is deathly afraid of risking overpaying.

You know, I kind of live on a budget these days. I have so much that I can spend. I try to live within my means. Oh sure, I could go out and borrow to buy things that I really WANT. I can But then I have to add that bill to my list of things I need to pay out of that budget.

I don't have any children so there is no one that I really need to exercise generation financial planning for- when I eventually kick it.

I try to be smart when I buy things because you know, then I have a bit more that I can spend on something else.

I am not addicted to name brands, but I don't enjoy crap either. I just try to be a bit frugal and shop around especially when there are so many guys out there that want my money.

As a life long Oriole fan, I really wish that we had a Billionaire owner with no debt that could just go toe to toe with the Yankees and win every time. I wish that the fan base just spent money like crazy for everything Oriole related and made this franchise a cash cow no matter what poor investments they made.

This is how I see the analogy, Angelos [good or bad] has set a budget for this team and insists on not losing money, indeed---with the investment of his vast fortune...he insist on seeing a return on it. MacPhail [good or bad] has taken that budget and talked with his manager Buck [GOOD!] and they have decided what things they need to do to have a team in 2011. I expect that when it is all done, they will do that. [good or bad]

The reality of the Orioles in this time slice is that they are a mid market team in a mid market town that has been poorly managed and has a middling farm system after years of mismanagement with an owner that is rich and has children and grand children and philanthropic goals.

You know we could be a team that mortgages its future to make the playoffs and ends up in Bankruptcy court. Back when Angelos bought this team in Bankruptcy court... at least he didn't do like our football team and move it. He is a Baltimore guy and you know...I am a Baltimore fan. An Oriole Fan. And I do think that this franchise is better run now than it has been any time since Pat Gillick ran it. I think we still spend every penny that is in our budget and you know what---I really enjoyed the last couple months of last season...like I enjoyed the first couple months of 2005.

Buck had the team playing well...even with Andy's budget replacement level players.

Maybe the guys we spend our budget money on in 2011 will do the same.

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Honestly, Roch gets pounded constantly with digs and barbs and jabs and questions of his journalistic integrity. I don't mind him fighting back here and there.

The problem here is that it is a fellow poster who went on that rant. I don't really want to get into that. I think it is Rock's right to defend the portions that related to his journalistic integrity and that is always called into question since he works for the MAN now.

I think he was within his rights to lash back --- he was being called out.

If what Roch says in response is true, even more so

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The problem here is that it is a fellow poster who went on that rant. I don't really want to get into that. I think it is Rock's right to defend the portions that related to his journalistic integrity and that is always called into question since he works for the MAN now.

I think he was within his rights to lash back --- he was being called out.

If what Roch says in response is true, even more so

You are right of course... I got my OH brethren's back normally but this:

And in the case of Baltimore's lap dog, Angelos-excusing sportswriting cast, they've been wildly successful.

is a bit over the line. It's certainly Mike's right to write it but I will defend Roch's right to defend himself.

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FWIW, someone made a similar comment to Melewski, and he showed alot more professionalism.

Steve - all of this is like "Ground Hog Day"! For the last 4-5 years it is same old sad song every free agent period. Andy & Pete just AIN'T gonna do it! PERIOD! To heck with the fan base..Pete is making plenty big bucks with his MASN deals etc and just has NO true incentive....$ wise... to do what needs to be done! And it's obvious his so called "Pride" and desire for his/our team to actually compete and play on a level playing field with the big boys...has melted away! We appear to be committed to be fiscally responsible while constantly coming in 2nd..or 3rd..or 4th with the players that we really need. SO SAD!! SIGGGHHH!!! But so much the now..Oriole Way! Keep watching & you will see more of the same day after day! Only thing missing is...Bill Murray!


As a fan also, I feel your pain. I can completely understand why you feel that way and many do. I just don't think this is a Peter Angelos issue in that they did offer Martinez 48M and that easily could have won that bid. This offer puzzles me, as I wrote, but I have been around too many O's officials and talked to too many to believe they don't want to win and just want to save money.

This issue comes up a lot and I am not just drinking any kool aid here or taking up for the team. I truly believe they want to win and if that ever changes, I won't be afraid to express my opinion on it. - Steve.


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You are right of course... I got my OH brethren's back normally but this:

And in the case of Baltimore's lap dog, Angelos-excusing sportswriting cast, they've been wildly successful.

is a bit over the line. It's certainly Mike's right to write it but I will defend Roch's right to defend himself.

Sure, he can defend himself. But, when considering the platform he has, he may want to defend himself in at least a moderately professional way instead of resorting to name-calling and picking fights. To me, that sounds like how a person would defend himself if he couldn't come up with an intellectual way to do so. It's pretty pathetic really.

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FWIW, someone made a similar comment to Melewski, and he showed alot more professionalism.


Well, I would argue that post doesn't have the same tone as mikes. I don't see anything there that is questioning Melewski's professionalism unless I am missing something.

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Sure, he can defend himself. But, when considering the platform he has, he may want to defend himself in at least a moderately professional way instead of resorting to name-calling and picking fights. To me, that sounds like how a person would defend himself if he couldn't come up with an intellectual way to do so. It's pretty pathetic really.

How do you defend yourself when someone is calling you a lapdog? I guess I agree with you that the whole "say it to me in person" tone may be a bit much but seriously every time we get what some constue as negative news Roch's integrity gets questioned. I know if you cant stand the heat yada yada yada, but at some point I would think you have to stand up to it in some way.

It is also pretty pathetic for folks to over and over and over question the guy's integrity. If you really believe he is a lap dog, stop reading.

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