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Attendance to Date: 12.5% Over 2011


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Upper deck around home plate was relatively full tonight. I was up in sec 328. I never saw or heard the attendance but going in I was hoping for 30,000. I knew once everyone got in and situated we were around 25,000. I'll take it. I'm guessing the discounted seats probably put an extra 5-6 thousand in the stands. I hope they find a way to discount the final homestand of the year as well. At least the Tor series.

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Currently, an 18.8%, and almost 292,000, increase in attendance.

Yesterday was home game no. 71. The 71st game last year was a make-up game against the Yankees that had a paid attendance of 33,000+ but the actual attendance was much lower. I haven't figured out where the O's are going to account for any fans who had tickets to the Toronto rain out who don't use their rain checks.

In 2011 the O's only topped 30,000 one more time after Game 71, and had three crowds under 15,000 in games 72-74 (against Tampa, by the way). But, they had one more gate than this year, thanks to the Toronto rain out this year. I'm sure the O's will outdraw 2011 the rest of the way despite having one less game to do it in.

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Yesterday was home game no. 71. The 71st game last year was a make-up game against the Yankees that had a paid attendance of 33,000+ but the actual attendance was much lower. I haven't figured out where the O's are going to account for any fans who had tickets to the Toronto rain out who don't use their rain checks.
As I said before, you also have people who will buy tickets that weren't going to do so before because they get two games for one admission price. If there is any negative effect from the rain-out, I think it will be minimal, if any.
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There was an awesome crowd last night, but I was surprised by the large numbers who left in the 8th inning. Enjoyed watching the end of the Red Sox-Yankees game on the tvs in Dempsey's from Eutaw Street--good-sized crowd hung out to see what happened. Absolutely electric.

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25,130 today, and just over 75,000 for the series. Total attendance stands at 1,893,461 with six home dates remaining (one of which is a single admission doubleheader). If the O's really strech it, they could get to 2.1 million in those last six dates. I'm pretty confident they will get to 2.075 mm at a minimum.

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AUGUST 27th, 28th, 29th, and 30th (vs. The WHITE SOX)


MONDAY: OO)o10,955

TUESDAY: Oo)o12,841

WEDNESDAY: o13,098

THURSDAY: o)o10,141


TOTAL:oooOo.o 47,035

SEPTEMBER 11th, 12th, 13th (vs. The D-RAYS)


TUESDAY: Oo)o23,828

WEDNESDAY: o26,076

THURSDAY: o)o25,130


TOTAL:oooOo.o 75,034

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25,130 today, and just over 75,000 for the series. Total attendance stands at 1,893,461 with six home dates remaining (one of which is a single admission doubleheader). If the O's really strech it, they could get to 2.1 million in those last six dates. I'm pretty confident they will get to 2.075 mm at a minimum.

The Brooks game is almost sold out on Saturday. Friday's Red Sox game is picking up and is now in the upper twenties and will hit thirty soon . Sunday is starting to pick up and is getting close to the middle or above twenties. The promotion for the Blue Jays games should get them above twenty for each game. People are starting to buy tickets for the other Red Sox games besides the Brooks one, So if they get around 70,000 for the Blue Jays and around 110,000 for the Red Sox,attendance will go over 2 million.

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