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The Biggest Comeback EVER in Major League Postseason History in a "Winner-Take-All" Game


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The 2012 St. Louis Cardinals coming back from being down 6-0 just now against the Nationals.

It's the largest deficit EVER that a team has overcome in major league postseason history in a "Winner-Take-All" game.

THE STORY:O http://www.stltoday.com/sports/baseball/professional/cardinal-beat/magic-revisited-cards-stun-nats-take-nlds/article_f44a6d8e-14b3-11e2-92d0-0019bb30f31a.html

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Just unreal. I feel sick for Nats fans and, frankly, glad I'm not one.

It could be worse. You could be a Cubs fan. Post Season thread on Cubs forum

i want us to be the nats right now

That reminds me; what ever happened to davearm?

I couldn't care less about the Nationals, but since:

A) I hate the Cardinals with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns and

B) The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


However I will save my celebration until it's over. Those "expletive deleted" birds are hard to kill. Michael Myers was easier to put down in the Halloween flicks.

Jesus, why won't they just roll over and die?
who the [expletive] are daniel descalso and pete kozma
So now Gio implodes vs. the bowels of the Cardinals lineup?
Well, that was excruciating.

4 more innings.

Davey, make the pitching change. Course I understand while you waited, the pittcher is due up 8th this inning and you want to double switch.

Here we go again. They won't [expletive] die.
Surely these guys used up all their magic last year, right?
The Cardinals aren't going to win. Now shut up unless it is to mock them for losing.
I feel like you said this during game 6 of the world series last year.
Another epic comeback.
[expletive] off Descalso.
I hope they lose and have to settle for just two World Series championships in the last seven years like the chumps they are.
hey, second home run of the series by light hitting infielder nobody has ever heard of.
LOL Daniel De [expletive] scalso.
Beltran-Holliday-Craig coming up in the ninth.
1-2-3, 2 k's.
I want to live in a world where the Cardinals are no longer defending a championship.

3 more outs please.

Get Molina. I don't want to see Freese's stupid face up here.
Fine. Get Freese's stupid face.
Oh you just know this little [expletive] Descalso is going to tie this up.
Seriously, Daniel "who the [expletive] am I" Descalso goes ape [expletive] in game 5. Some random Cardinal scrub does this every year.

The thread goes downhill from there. I'll skip over the [expletive deleted].

I don't believe this is real. Baseball is fixed
I can only laugh anymore. Of course Pete Kozma and Daniel Descalso are doing this.

That said, I don't have a ton of sympathy for the brand new, fairweather Nats fans.

The team has existed for 7 years. All of their fans are new fans.
God just hates the Cubs and always will. There's just no other explanation.

This Cubs board was much more fun than reading the Cardinals Board game thread, 10/12 NLDS Game 5 Thread: Does this mean that Ann-Margret's not coming?, which was filled with gloom and doom for 8 innings. We even had a "nice" Cubs fan (married to a Cards fan) lecture us about giving up too quickly. :)

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