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Balfour speaks...


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It's under "anything is possible" but it seems pretty random to suggest that's what might have happened. The strange thing is that Balfour claims the Orioles weren't specific about why they took the offer off the table. Sure, he could be lying but I don't think he is. First of all, if it were PED's why would the Orioles still offer a one year contract with an option? Why would that affect the 2nd year? We either have to suppose that the Orioles did tell him what they didn't like on the MRI and now he's lying about it OR that the Orioles really didn't find anything specific on the MRI but just decided they didn't like guaranteeing 2 years to a 36 year old arm.
Your response appears well thought out. If they really did wish to renegotiate, I'd say your ideas here are pretty much iron tight.
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Sorry I hadn't seen that. Then again he's not really addressing their concerns, he's just screaming "I'm healthy". I also find it very hard to believe that the Orioles weren't specific about their concerns with the physical. Balfour is just blowing smoke because he knows it puts the onus on the Orioles to actually divulge their concerns publicly, which he knows they can't do without his permission.

I find it very hard to believe the Orioles WOULD discuss specifics with Balfour. :noidea:

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I find it very hard to believe the Orioles WOULD discuss specifics with Balfour. :noidea:

Really? So you think the Orioles gave him a physical, looked at the results, told him they had some concerns that they would not disclose, and told him they would only guarantee 1 year? And you think that Balfour either didn't ask what the specific concerns were or he did and the Orioles said "none of your business"?

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Really? So you think the Orioles gave him a physical, looked at the results, told him they had some concerns that they would not disclose, and told him they would only guarantee 1 year? And you think that Balfour either didn't ask what the specific concerns were or he did and the Orioles said "none of your business"?

Balfour's ultimate goals might not be best served by being completely honest at the present time.

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Really? So you think the Orioles gave him a physical, looked at the results, told him they had some concerns that they would not disclose, and told him they would only guarantee 1 year? And you think that Balfour either didn't ask what the specific concerns were or he did and the Orioles said "none of your business"?

Or they did, and he chooses not to share the results with the media and other teams. And certain laws prohibit the Orioles from disclosing what they told him.

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Really? So you think the Orioles gave him a physical, looked at the results, told him they had some concerns that they would not disclose, and told him they would only guarantee 1 year? And you think that Balfour either didn't ask what the specific concerns were or he did and the Orioles said "none of your business"?

Ummm... yes. I can see that exact scenario. JMO.

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Methinks he doth protest too much. Kinda reminds me of this classic...


It is starting to look that way. Also, isn't the Reds guy his friend? Hard to take his opinion too seriously.

What do you want to bet that Gammons' quote from the agent was Balfour's agent?

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That couldn't possibly be true or else the Orioles are basically begging for a grievance to be filed against them.

It only matters to the Orioles if a successful grievance is filed. By not going into detail they reduce the likelihood of a misstep that is used against them. Look they really had a problem with the medicals, there is something there and the O's team thinks Belfour is a ticking time bomb. They would probably love for a team to step in and take their original offer, it would end it for them. However I do not expect that to happen, other teams are going to see the same thing, IMO. Also the details from the Orioles' POV are going to hurt Belfour's value no matter what, so why would the O's want to give them out and hurt themselves in a grievance?

BTW I find it amazing how many want to take the Belfour camp position at face value. The O's position has far more credibility than the player's hired guns.

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The doctors that Balfour is talking about have not seen the Orioles MRI, nor the report pm the physical examination. Eaton, the Rays' doctor performed his own physical, including an MRI, on Balfour (presumably at Balfour's expense). He said the MRI was not normal, but was what he would expect from a man who throws a baseball for a living. Interestingly, as quoted by Encino on Twitter, he said this:

Eduardo A. Encina ‏@EddieInTheYard 20 Dec

Eaton wanted to be clear thats not an indictment of #Orioles & team doctors. "I understand their concerns completely."

Now this is confusing, since Rosenthal quotes Eaton as saying this:

Asked if he was surprised that the Orioles declined to complete their deal with Balfour, Eaton said “Yes,” adding that approving the contract was “kind of a no-brainer.”

Now, if Eaton really said both things, I guess it is then up to us to determine whether he was wrong the first time or the second time, because clearly his two statements are the exact opposite of each other.

I haven't seen any real quotes from the other doctor, who is apparently a friend of Balfour's, other than Balfour's comments saying that he thinks Balfour is healthy.

If the Orioles received medical advice as a result of their doctors examination to not guaranty more than one year, it seems to me that ignoring that advice would be kind of foolish. Balfour and his agent can file a grievance if they want, in which case the gag will be removed from the Orioles and the results of the physical and the doctors' recommendations can be revealed. If the doctors did not make the recommendation claimed by the Orioles, Balfour has a case. If they did, he doesn't. My guess is Balfour and his agent will continue trying to get a multi-year deal from a team, and they will neither file a grievance nor issue permission for the Orioles and their doctors to release the information. But that is just a guess. Time will tell.

I know if I was another team, I would be very hesitant to guaranty Balfour 2 years after Oakland decided not to, and Baltimore's team of doctors recommended that the Orioles not do so.

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No one other than the Orioles physicians have seen the results of their medical tests. Balfour's "team" has commissioned different tests, reviewed by other individuals. Some of which are internists or other specialists that are not orthopedists.

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