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New to the forum, and a question


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I think the majority of this board likes Adam Jones. There is no doubt that he is one of the better center fielders in the game. He's just frustrating because you can see the potential for him to be an elite player. As is he is a slightly better version of Mike Cameron.

Nick might not catch the same grief because the expectations are no longer there. He doesn't have the same potential as Jones.

Plus Adam will be a part of this team through 2018. Unlike Nick.

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I disagree with the OP. I am relatively new to this message board as well, and so far I have not seen any prejudice toward AJ. Most fans are equal opportunity complainers. On any given day they will complain about player A and praise player B. The very next day it could be just the opposite. As for AJ vs. NM there is a simple formula that applies. Expectations/results. In AJ's case the expectations are high (franchise player), so when the results don't live up people are going to complain. With NM the expectations are not as high, so when he has off days people don't care as much.

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I disagree with the OP. I am relatively new to this message board as well, and so far I have not seen any prejudice toward AJ. Most fans are equal opportunity complainers. On any given day they will complain about player A and praise player B. The very next day it could be just the opposite. As for AJ vs. NM there is a simple formula that applies. Expectations/results. In AJ's case the expectations are high (franchise player), so when the results don't live up people are going to complain. With NM the expectations are not as high, so when he has off days people don't care as much.

Since the OP hasn't posted anything beyond creating the thread, it would lead one to think, it wasn't something they wanted to actually discuss.

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Guest rochester

Does this mean that because AJ is my favorite player and character on the team is only because of his race? :eek:

It's all about respect... or disrespect. When people cry "racist" because I don't like a certain political policy it is extremely disrespectful to me. I am starting to see "Thought" racism as the next big thing, i.e., if people do not like what you believe or say they will shout you down, bully you and, in some cases, try to take away someones living - sound familiar?

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Does this mean that because AJ is my favorite player and character on the team it is only because of his race? :eek:

It's all about respect... or disrespect. When people cry "racist" because I don't like a certain political policy it is extremely disrespectful to me. I am starting to see "Thought" racism as the next big thing, i.e., if people do not like what you believe or say they will shout you down, bully you and, in some cases, try to take away someones living - sound familiar?

Like Larry the cable guy said one time, in his 60 minutes interview, and he wasn't doing his standup routine. He said sometimes we are just too dang politically correct, and we need to step back and chill.

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Way to pick out the least important part of what I said to comment on.

Actually it was the most important part of your comments. You played the race card along with the OP.

But, if you must know, everything has to involve race for some people because they are forced to live their lives where they are constantly reminded of what their race is and how it is different. Being white means not having to think about race. When you are black, you don't have that luxury. And race and racism are still large issues even though most white people would like to think they aren't. The fact that there were racial slurs being thrown about when Cheerios had a commercial with an interracial couple in it is just an example of how laughably NOT far we have come on the issue.

Ask Adam Jones if he feels its racial when fans react to his swinging at low and away for a strike out on a regular basis? It's not. He knows he screws up and tries to correct it and he knows fans have every right to be piss and moan about it. That's not racial. That's judging baseball ability.

Maybe race has nothing to do with how you feel about Jones. And if so, great. But, just know that it matters to more people than you think. And for some people (the ones I was referring to in my statement), they don't ever think it matters to them, but without them consciously thinking about it they might judge AJ differently because he's black. And if they even realized that they might be embarrassed. But, it still happens anyway. Because they just don't realize it.

Matters to who? It's not the people criticism him on this forum. As everyone of us either grew up watching and being fans of Eddie, Frank, Don Buford, Elrod Hendricks, Harold Baines, Mike Devereaux, Jeffery Hammonds, Bobby Bo, and Arthur Rhodes.... to name a few.

So it's not like Adam Jones is trail blazer of race relations between the Orioles community. He's a leader of the team. He sets the example. So when we (or in my case) do criticize him its because as a leader you should strive to make yourself better at the plate and on the field.

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I'm bad at math. If he maintains his current pace how old will be at 3000?

Well it will take around 3575 at bats to hit 1000. He averages 600 at bats in a full season (roughly).

So about 12 more seasons at his current pace.

Despite the low walk totals he has never had a 200 hit season.

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And it will be absolutely amazing if he lives that long.

LOLLRZ sorry I'm out of upvotes

Well it will take around 3575 at bats to hit 1000. He averages 600 at bats in a full season (roughly).

So about 12 more seasons at his current pace.

Despite the low walk totals he has never had a 200 hit season.

I can definitely see AJ playing into his early 40s. Maybe DHing the last few seasons. And I hope he does it here #nojinx

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Hey everyone, I'm just curious. It seems like some people in this town and on this forum refuse to give Adam Jones any credit. Here's a guy who's won 3 Gold Gloves as a center fielder, hits for power drives in runs, has really become involved with the community, and is the clubhouse leader. Yet some people keep whining about him. He chases too many pitches, he blows bubbles in center field, he talks too much trash, etc.

Meanwhile Markakis is in right field stealing the teams money. He hits about .280-.285, below average power, basically just draws a bunch of walks and hits mostly bases empty doubles. IMHO he doesn't provide nearly enough offense for his position or his salary. But he gets a free pass from everyone, including the local media. I remember Jim Palmer comparing Markakis to George Brett. Are you serious? On his best day Markakis isn't half the player Brett was. But the fans here love him, he doesn't get half the flak Jones does, even though Jones is a helluva lot better player.

What am I missing here? Is it a racial thing? I don't get it.

Racial? Oh good grief. Fans like me like AJ just fine and really cheer for him but I

don't care for some of his antics. Does that make me a racist now? Oh hell. If that is what you believe then you are way the hell off base. Geez

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I blame Nick Markakis for the OP...seriously. Let me explain.

Nick skyrocketed up the rankings in terms of valuable young players. His historical comps must have been amazing. He did all of the things that baseball nerds liked at a very young age. He played a good outfield. He had a rocket arm. He took pitches. He walked. He hit a lot of doubles and he hit enough HRs to pass from a power perspective. The advanced stat nerds (I mean that affectionately) fell in love. Fans like Frobby jumped on his bandwagon, and for good reason.

Then Nick got paid and has more or less been an average or below average player since, yet many on this board and around our fan base still credit him for playing the game the right way, or some other meaningless description. The truth is that last year Markakis was terrible, and the years before that he wasn't very good, but fans dies hard. Being a fan is about emotion as much as anything else. This is why I can't stop loving the Redskins regardless of the ridiculousness that goes on in that organization year after year.

So Jones comes along and doesn't garner the same love. Well, it's because he's never put up the advanced stats that modern fans love, and he keeps swinging at those damn balls in the dirt. It's like a scarlet letter for him. We can't miss it.

So when fans like the ones in the OP see the criticism of Jones and separately still see positive comments about Markakis, it's pretty natural to wonder why. IMO, much of it goes to the emotional attachment that exists from Nick's early years, and a very small amount has to do with race.

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I blame Nick Markakis for the OP...seriously. Let me explain.

Nick skyrocketed up the rankings in terms of valuable young players. His historical comps must have been amazing. He did all of the things that baseball nerds liked at a very young age. He played a good outfield. He had a rocket arm. He took pitches. He walked. He hit a lot of doubles and he hit enough HRs to pass from a power perspective. The advanced stat nerds (I mean that affectionately) fell in love. Fans like Frobby jumped on his bandwagon, and for good reason.

Then Nick got paid and has more or less been an average or below average player since, yet many on this board and around our fan base still credit him for playing the game the right way, or some other meaningless description. The truth is that last year Markakis was terrible, and the years before that he wasn't very good, but fans dies hard. Being a fan is about emotion as much as anything else. This is why I can't stop loving the Redskins regardless of the ridiculousness that goes on in that organization year after year.

So Jones comes along and doesn't garner the same love. Well, it's because he's never put up the advanced stats that modern fans love, and he keeps swinging at those damn balls in the dirt. It's like a scarlet letter for him. We can't miss it.

So when fans like the ones in the OP see the criticism of Jones and separately still see positive comments about Markakis, it's pretty natural to wonder why. IMO, much of it goes to the emotional attachment that exists from Nick's early years, and a very small amount has to do with race.

Actually, how I remember it is he had some red flag comps. Of course the folks here on the board discounted them (including myself).

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