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Need a new closer AND a new manager


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The offense at home has averaged 2.83 runs a game. They have scored 7 runs or less in 4 out of 7 series (including this one since there's no chance in hell this pathetic lineup can put up a 6 spot). They haven't scored more than 11 runs in a series at home all year. That is nothing short of a complete embarassment. The O's should be running away with the AL East but their offense decided to turn into the Houston Astros and now we will be in 4th place in no time as we continue to put up 2 runs a game and the Yankees, Blue Jays, and Astros pass us. At least we will have the 2015 draft to look forward to. Picking in the top 5 will be fun.

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No this is the inevitability of a bad loss or a losing streak. Welcome to the OH overreaction rant thread.

Come back after Hunter's 10th blown save. Hold on...I'll say it now so I don't have to come back..."Told ya so."

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Point #1- Agree wholeheartedly

Point #2- You are a fool. Who should we get? Bring back Dave Trembley? Sam Perlozzo? Lee Mazilli? How many .500 seasons did they have? How many playoff series?

Ok so handling of the closer role is not Buck's strong point. But he is above average in almost all other aspects. We would still be a 5th place team without him.

I don't know about 5th place...but point taken and agreed.

He definitely needs some help with handling the closer and finding a catcher than can hit his weight.

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I hope he runs him back out there tomorrow and blows another game. As I said a few days ago Hunter was asked if he'd like to be the closer during the off season and I think it was the morning guys on 105.7. When asked the question he answered YES. He'd like to be the closer. What did you expect him to say? No! I'm not up to it. He is not a closer. PERIOD. These games will mean a lot come September. This is not Spring Training Buck. Homerun Tommy as the fans in the stands call him had done pretty well recently not giving up the long ball.....but it returned tonight. If you key on our new pitching coach sitting in the dugout when Buck makes these Dumber than Dumb moves he is not a happy guy. If he doesn't need the money I could see him quitting before long if Buck keeps this up.

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he won't leave ,unless he's fired which he should of never been hired in the first place or D.D he has a bad track record and so does D.D.. BUT thats life in baseball....

Yeah, lets hire Dave Trembley and Jim Duquette - Lee Mazilli and Syd Thrift?

Good gravy.

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Buck has done a good job to get us into contention the last three years. But, he has steadfastly stuck to failing closers and failing players in general because he doesn't want to ruffle any feathers. I understand the need for the players to feel comfortable in their roles. I understand the fact that baseball is a game of failure and you can't jerk guys in and out of roles. But, you need a harsh side as a manager as well. Buck has the track record. He won't lose the team if he demotes a veteran or diminishes their role. Forget about tonight, I'm thinking long term. You simply can not sit there and accept mistakes and under performance over and over again. He has taken the patience thing way too far and he will lose the team by not acting as well as acting too quickly. Adam Jones had ball four on a ball that was about to bounce leading off the bottom of the 8th. Great chance for a lead off walk and an insurance run. Will anything be said by the coaches or manager? I can picture Earl Weaver having enough and getting in Adams face. I'm not a big advocate of that type of management but their comes a time when it is necessary. We have absolutely zero of it and I think it's high time we get some.

Thanks for listening to my rant. Someone needs to yell and scream after tonight!

Moving my post under an "off with their heads" post does it a disservice. My post was much better thought out, much more reasonable and comes with some in depth knowledge of how baseball works and how players react to management. Oh well, bad night all around...

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Moving my post under an "off with their heads" post does it a disservice. My post was much better thought out, much more reasonable and comes with some in depth knowledge of how baseball works and how players react to management. Oh well, bad night all around...

I don't think Buck does things not to ruffle any feathers - loyal to a fault. Tommy Hunter is not an established closer. He will be replaced in the role - I would think by Britton.

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We're in first place, we're in the best two and a half year stretch we've had in 17 years, and people want to fire the manager and GM. Unbelievable. I know better than to read threads like these.

Is it better to be at the top at this point in the season, or at the end of October?

Remember all of the blown saves and losses by the O's closer last year? Those cost the team a chance at post season play, so they didn't even have a chance at that top position at the end of October. Which is what will happen again this year, as the manager keeps relying on a closer who can't get the job done.

THAT is unbelievable.

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I don't know how many of you have played baseball, or any sport for that matter. You can always tell if someone doesn't want to be in a situation. Just look at Hunter and you know he DOES NOT want to be on the mound in these situations. It really is easy to see if you are perceptive.

What is worse though, is that Buck will just keep going to him, just like he did with JJ. Damn, just try someone else for a change. Don't just try to friggin concede every close game.

I've posted numerous times that Hunter is a mess. He sweats too much, his face is flushed, and he definitely has that "deer in the headlights" when he takes the mound.

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I've posted numerous times that Hunter is a mess. He sweats too much, his face is flushed, and he definitely has that "deer in the headlights" when he takes the mound.

Yep. It is brutal to watch.

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Buck has done a good job to get us into contention the last three years. But, he has steadfastly stuck to failing closers and failing players in general because he doesn't want to ruffle any feathers. I understand the need for the players to feel comfortable in their roles. I understand the fact that baseball is a game of failure and you can't jerk guys in and out of roles. But, you need a harsh side as a manager as well. Buck has the track record. He won't lose the team if he demotes a veteran or diminishes their role. Forget about tonight, I'm thinking long term. You simply can not sit there and accept mistakes and under performance over and over again. He has taken the patience thing way too far and he will lose the team by not acting as well as acting too quickly. Adam Jones had ball four on a ball that was about to bounce leading off the bottom of the 8th. Great chance for a lead off walk and an insurance run. Will anything be said by the coaches or manager? I can picture Earl Weaver having enough and getting in Adams face. I'm not a big advocate of that type of management but their comes a time when it is necessary. We have absolutely zero of it and I think it's high time we get some.

Thanks for listening to my rant. Someone needs to yell and scream after tonight!

Buck's done this twice before. Rebuilt teams, wasn't good enough to go all the way, then got fired. He's not a great manager overall. He really mitigates the advantages of winning teams with poor decisions - bullpen and lineup.

The Yanks and D-Backs both won it all after firing him. History shows he helped build teams, but firing him took those teams to championships. The O's will be best-served firing Buck, because his awful decision-making will continue to cripple this team. A team that has no margin for error.

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