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SUNDAY NIGHT BASEBALL: vs. Yankees, 9/14


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We're like a runner who sprints so hard that he's way ahead of everyone else, but as he gets 6 inches from crossing the finish line, he falls on his face and crawls in on his hands and knees, just barely beating out the second-place runner gaining ground on him.

We've won 14 out of 20.

Our lead is 11 games, just about as high as it has been all year.

You are either delusional, on some sort of psychotropic drug, or intentionally trolling.

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weams, you're not helping. His example isn't good, and it doesn't reveal a "flaw" in my reasoning. He opened his line of snark by asking if "all those other runs that the O's score without homeruns don't count." Then he proceeds to argue that the O's ARE effective at creating runs BECAUSE they hit homeruns. And I never, at any point, tried to argue that the O's aren't a good offensive team overall...just that they're performing exactly as they usually do - i.e., they score when they hit balls out, and they score less when they don't. He's provided nothing to refute that, and he's further claiming an inability to provide any concrete data to support his non-points. Empty, meritless comments.

You're stating a tautology as if it is some sort of insight. I would bet almost every team scores more when they hit home runs than when they don't.

The example does reveal the flaw in your logic. If you don't see that, I can't help you.

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Its showed for a while now. We will miss all three hitters big time in the post season. Especially Machado.

On the positive side 1-3 big hitters usually go stone cold in the playoffs, opening the door for some unheralded player to be the hero. We just already put our big hitters on vacation so we don't have to fret about it.

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