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Leaving out Kevin Gausman from the PO rotation not smart


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Some major Gausman haters on this thread...:rofl:

No one hates Gausman. I think he's got a chance to be really good for us. It's just that, there is a good case to be made for him in the bullpen as well. And to act like there isn't is foolish. You want him in the rotation. We get it. If he gets a shot, we'll all be hoping for him to succeed.

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Do you realize that on an 1-0 count hitters have a whopping 104 OPS+ against? When Norris has an 0-1 count on a hitter he is allowing a 119 OPS+! I guess that means Norris should throw the first pitch in the dirt?

Gausman is allowing an 88 OPS+ with runners on (83 w/RISP), that is right he is better with men on.

You know it might be worth debating you on issues if you ever actually had your facts straight.

But you don't, so I am done here.

Bud Norris is one of the best pitchers in baseball when he has runners on base and is terrible when he doesn't have base runners or the opposite of Gausman . Plus Gausman is excruciating to watch with runners on base. He slows down his pace and that leads to more defensive lapses and unearned runs which he actually helps cause . If you watch him pitch you have to see that as it is obvious. Bud Norris doesn't slow down with runners on and that keeos the defense on its toes.

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Everyone is arguing over whether Norris or Gausman should be the 4th starter, but let me ask you this: Who would you rather have in the pen? It seems like backwards thinking, but if it really is like splitting hairs when deciding who would be the more effective starter, then I think it's a valid question. I believe it's a toss-up between the two for that 4th spot, but Gausman's stuff will play up more in the pen. So, I think putting Gausman in the pen is the right decision because it makes the team as a whole better. He really rounds out the pen nicely.

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Giving Gausman a start would be a gutsy move. He has the best numbers of all the starters vs. Detroit (in a very small sample). Earl Weaver played hunches based on equally thin data. Based strictly on stats vs. the Tigers, Buck should use Gausman and Norris in games 2 and 3.

You could make a case for putting anyone but Tillman in the pen for the series, but I suspect Buck will start his normal top 4 and use Gausman as the 6th inning guy/long man. He can be lights out in 2-inning stretches, which might come in handy.

Doing anything radical like putting Chen or Norris in the pen might send the wrong signal. Rather the message will be: We have a better record than they do. Let them worry about us. Which may be the best way to approach it.

I sure as heck wouldn't want to be the guy to tell Gonzo he's in the pen. It would be easier to say that to Gausman.

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Bud Norris is one of the best pitchers in baseball when he has runners on base and is terrible when he doesn't have base runners or the opposite of Gausman . Plus Gausman is excruciating to watch with runners on base. He slows down his pace and that leads to more defensive lapses and unearned runs which he actually helps cause . If you watch him pitch you have to see that as it is obvious. Bud Norris doesn't slow down with runners on and that keeos the defense on its toes.

I just showed you, with actual facts, that Gausman is better with men on base.

You are being willfully ignorant to taunt other posters and I won't play your game tonight.

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Some folks just hate the young for their youth. ;)

Balderdash. I guess Buck has this same inexplicable baud against Gausman as well eh? Just laughable that you make such a reach as this! As far a Norris being bad when he has a hitter down 0-1 that is inexplicably so but he is the opposite of Gausman and most pitchers where the opposite is the norm. But he makes up for it by being good when count is 1-0 and with runners on base.

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Yeah but Gausman isn't better than Tillman, Chen, Norris or Gonzo. If you have actually watched him pitch you should easily see that. He is better than Ubaldo but that is it. He walks too many hitters, throws too many pitches and is terrible when he has runners on base and when he doesn't get a first pitch strike.

1) You say he is "terrible when he has runners on base." But opponent's OPS with runners on base is only .677, which is better than Gonzalez (.715) and Tillman (.691), and only marginally behind Chen's (.665). Norris easily wins here at .601.

2) You say he walks too many hitters. He walks 3.07 players per nine innings, marginally more than Gonzalez (2.98), Tillman (2.95), and Norris (2.83). For perspective, if he had walked two less batters in his 108.1 innings (i.e. 35 instead of 37), he'd have less walks per nine inning than Tillman or Gonzalez, and if he walked three less (34 instead of 37) he'd be ahead of Norris as well. There's not much difference here.

I'm curious if he's really "terrible" when he doesn't get a first pitch strike. Any place we can check that?

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