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Calling for Rain all day Friday.


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Right now weather forecasting it quite difficult because there is a big disparity between all models, plus the Cyclones in Japan are having a larger impact on our weather than the models will pick up.

At this point you just have to wake up on Fri Sat Sun and look outside.

Cyclone hasn't re-curved into a low as of yet, and isn't expected to until 10-10-14 according to the forecasted position. Is this enough to displace a 1000 mile radius dome of cold air half way across the globe? Doubtful. NAM master race. It will rain, but they play ball methinks.

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Judging by the latest NAM output, I think they play ball. But it will be pretty miserable. Warm fronts lead to extended periods of light rain.

Yeah, I would say based on a few models (Mainly the Canidaian), it seems as though Saturday will be the "better" day to get a game in. Still plenty of time to change though.

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Yeah, I would say based on a few models (Mainly the Canidaian), it seems as though Saturday will be the "better" day to get a game in. Still plenty of time to change though.

I hate how I cannot edit this post. Canadian (Spelled wrong in previous post)

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Right now weather forecasting it quite difficult because there is a big disparity between all models, plus the Cyclones in Japan are having a larger impact on our weather than the models will pick up.

At this point you just have to wake up on Fri Sat Sun and look outside.

Serious question, are you a meteorologist? You know a ton about weather, based on some of your previous posts.

Thanks for the insight!

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Yeah, I would say based on a few models (Mainly the Canidaian), it seems as though Saturday will be the "better" day to get a game in. Still plenty of time to change though.

Why are You using a medium term weather model to predict short term weather conditions?

NAM 4km- The North American Model 4km resolution is a model that goes out 60 hours and is a high definition model. It comes out in both a 4km resolution and a 12km resolution. A 4km resolution means every 4 kilometers there is a data point that the model projects a forecast at, which means it is extremely high resolution. It forecasts specific snowfall amounts, winds, temperatures, etc. and can be important in forecasts, though often overdoes rainfall and snowfall. It can be found here.

CMC- Canadian Meteorological Centre, which hosts the CMC weather model. This weather model is on average slightly less accurate than the GFS and ECMWF weather models, and does well in patterns with a lot of blocking or amplification, and tends to do much worse with amplified patterns. It is run twice a day, and comes out around midnight and noon. 0z run can be viewed here and the 12z run can be viewed here.

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Andy Woodcock, a meteorologist with the weather service's Baltimore/Washington forecast office in Sterling, Va., said Friday night doesn't look to be a washout, but that models still lack agreement for a more definitive forecast.

"This is still where I would not want a gun put to my head on what the forecast is going to be," he said.

Models suggest the system's heaviest rain would fall Friday night, but there is a chance it could hold off until midnight or so, he said. Still, light rain is possible throughout Friday afternoon and evening.

Any rain is forecast to be light and intermittent Saturday.

It was not immediately clear when any rainout would be rescheduled for. Orioles spokesman Greg Bader could not be reached for comment.

- See more at: http://www.carrollcountytimes.com/sports/orioles/bal-wx-rain-chances-forecast-as-orioles-open-alcs-in-baltimore-20141008,0,2767476.story#sthash.Yl5b1Yku.dpuf

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12 PM NAM showed the heaviest rain coming in after midnight, after the article was published and surely AFTER interview was done. Game just started coming into range of the NAM at 8 AM.

This is not a situation where its a coastal storm where the storm track deviance of a few dozen miles can be huge. Its a collision of two continental scale size airmasses, and the collision is on a line from ARK-MD. That's not going to change much. Only the timing.

edit: durr

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Serious question, are you a meteorologist? You know a ton about weather, based on some of your previous posts.

Thanks for the insight!

Not a meteorologist, but just read up on all of the different things going on. Been especially interested in the last few months because it seems the forecasts are rarely accurate. Like a post below me says, the models are still kind of all over the place right now in regards to this weekend.

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