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Trade Schoop?


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Well... okay... not THE league leader, but he's up there. Much higher than 31st if he had gotten the same # of plate appearances that most of those guys on the list had last year.

He'd be up in the 150-170's I think with only 16 BBs to show for it.

It's funny BBREF has this tool where it shows a players stats if they played all 162 games. Schoops' 162 average of K's is 141. Not sure why you think he would strike out at such a higher rate in his last 80 at bats...

481 is a pretty decent number of Plate Appearances. Davis for instance had 525...and managed to strike out 49 more times. That is right, if Schoop at acquired as many PA as Davis, and struck out in every additional appearance, his K rate would still be lower.

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I think some fans are uncomfortable by the model the Os are using, even after making it to the ALCS.

Extremely good defense.

Utilizing shifts.

Pitchers who put the ball in play.

Excellent bullpen.


It was new to me this season, but seeing it work after realizing their strategy was awfully fun. It's not my first choice if I were a GM, but given the budget constraints and competitive landscape, this method paid off.

Schoop at second won me over. Despite his situational at bats lacking in results you envy other teams for, I can't stay mad at the kid.

I would listen to offers for him, but I wouldn't shop him really. And while I am happy to see Flaherty play second, Schoop's power ceiling is definitely exciting compared to what other teams are doing.

If he couldn't pick it, he'd be out regardless of his power potential. But the kid can, and at a very high level. End of story.

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It's funny BBREF has this tool where it shows a players stats if they played all 162 games. Schoops' 162 average of K's is 141. Not sure why you think he would strike out at such a higher rate in his last 80 at bats...

481 is a pretty decent number of Plate Appearances. Davis for instance had 525...and managed to strike out 49 more times. That is right, if Schoop at acquired as many PA as Davis, and struck out in every additional appearance, his K rate would still be lower.

Like I said earlier in the thread, the K's are not really the problem. The problem is the weak grounders and infield flies. In other words it wasn't a lack of contact as much as it was weak contact.

And of course the BB needs to improve.

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From that viewpoint, a walk is better than getting an out.

I was poking fun at those that believe a walk is better than a hit.

I can live with Strikeouts, like Drungo correctly pointed out, when the hitter executes a good plan at the plate.

I just dont like excessive strikeouts.

I "hate" the double play far worse than the strikeout, and the DP can quickly kill a rally.

Who are these people?

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In messageboard hyperbole "walk is better than a hit" really means "a walk is better than an out and almost as good as a single, but that doesn't draw as much attention."

Pretty much exactly what I was thinking. I don't think his target audience exists, and if it does I've never seen it on here.

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It's funny BBREF has this tool where it shows a players stats if they played all 162 games. Schoops' 162 average of K's is 141. Not sure why you think he would strike out at such a higher rate in his last 80 at bats...

481 is a pretty decent number of Plate Appearances. Davis for instance had 525...and managed to strike out 49 more times. That is right, if Schoop at acquired as many PA as Davis, and struck out in every additional appearance, his K rate would still be lower.

Well if you are going to try and compare his K totals to guys like Jones/Cruz or other league leaders, who have amassed as much as 200 more plate appearances than Schoop, then why are you only accounting for an additional 80 plate appearances?

Seems a bit misleading to say Schoop is only the 4th worst strikeout offender on the team when his K rates are much higher than both Cruz & Jones.

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Well if you are going to try and compare his K totals to guys like Jones/Cruz or other league leaders, who have amassed as much as 200 more plate appearances than Schoop, then why are you only accounting for an additional 80 plate appearances?

Seems a bit misleading to say Schoop is only the 4th worst strikeout offender on the team when his K rates are much higher than both Cruz & Jones.

Because that was baseball references' projection. Probably has to do with the fact that Schoop hits 9th and is occasionally lifted for a pinch hitter.

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In messageboard hyperbole "walk is better than a hit" really means "a walk is better than an out and almost as good as a single, but that doesn't draw as much attention."

"The only time that you should swing is to foul off a strike so that you can walk." Is one of the arguments that I have heard.

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All star talk, really? Sure he has some good qualities, but who looks at a guy that hits .209 strikes out a ton as being an all star in the making? I couldn't be any further away on that opinion. Yes, he is young, I get that. I think some of you all are putting the cart way in front of the horse here.

I said in the making. Thinking around 25/26 age. Yes he hit .209. He's a rookie coming off broken back and smashing st pitching. It happens. He's learning and has shown. Adam Jones is a strike out machine and tends to press. Schoop is AJ but younger and is learning. Rather have School for 7 years with up and downs then waste money on a player who has no upside. Plus School is a Tanaka killer. This 2 or 3 games a yea they need to win and paying 500k for that leaves the rest as a bonus IMHO.

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