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How long will Buck stick with Jim Presley?


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Presley worked heavily with Flaherty and helped him out of many slumps. As was pointed out by others, a hitting coach is not going to significantly change a major league hitter. His job is mostly to help players with drills that help them overcome a mechanical issue. From everything I've heard, Presley works hard with players, but he's not going to change Adam Jones. Jones is always going to be that guy who swings at the slider in the dirt because the chances are that slider is sometimes not going to break as much and he's going to hit it out of the park.

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I have always thought that there is more room for a pitching coach to make a difference.

Actually I think Presley has had a big impact on the O's offense. His hit the ball hard/homer oriented philosophy has been implemented successfully. The O's have led the league in homers for the last two years. Its more than just Presley. Its DD getting the personnel to execute the strategy and Buck managing to that strategy. However the philosophy is not resulting in more runs scored.

The question is with the defensive shifting that is changing the game will the all or nothing strategy work? It's an important question for Buck and the organization IMO.

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Actually I think Presley has had a big impact on the O's offense. His hit the ball hard/homer oriented philosophy has been implemented successfully. The O's have lead the league in homers for the last two years. Its more than just Presley. Its DD getting the personnel to execute the strategy and Buck managing to that strategy. However the philosophy is not resulting in more runs scored.

The question is with the defensive shifting that is changing the game will the all or nothing strategy work? It's an important question for Buck and the organization IMO.

I wasn't specificly talking about Presley just as an overall idea.

Well one good thing about home runs, shifts don't effect them.

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Let's be fair, while the Orioles were 6th in runs scored, they were only 24 runs less than the 3rd place team. They were also without their starting catcher and their starting 3b only played in 82 games.

Its a good point if the team is ok with being 68 runs behind the Angels and 11th in OBP. Does a year of Wieters and and a half year of Manny make up for that?

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They say that walks and homers go up and down together. Is that factual?

There is some correlation, but it's far from perfect. Walk rates were very high in the 50's, when homers were pretty scarce. Obviously, how the umps are calling the strike zone in a given period has a lot to do with it, and the rulebook definition of the strike zone has changed several times, in addition to how the umps tend to interpret it. Here is a chart that shows the year-by-year AL stats in various categories: http://www.baseball-reference.com/leagues/AL/bat.shtml.

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