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Connolly: O's may have interest in Venable


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Decent fielder. Plays all 3 spots well. Despite his down hitting year last year, he was still worth .9 WAR. 2+ WAR each of the 4 preceding years, all playing in PetCo. Has shown a little pop and some speed. Salary $4.25MM. Likely to cost very little in trade. One year obligation. Low risk here. What's not to like? Far superior to giving up top prospects for 1 year of Upton while paying him $13.5MM and watch him walk end of season. If Venable shows well, he can probably be resigned at a reasonable contract. If not, we haven't lost much. This looks like a potential DD move to me.

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I think he's more redundant to DeAza/Lough then a Quentin type, but this isn't as cringeworthy as understandable to me. He's played in SD his whole career - his career OPS+ is 106 vs. say Markakis 113 or DeAza's 100. Like Quentin, he ran off four consecutive 2+ win seasons from 2010-2013 before a bad 2014.

His utility to our roster as it stands now I'd say depends on whether Buck/Dan see Lough as someone they trust to give the long side of a platoon, or as a defensive specialist. If defensive specialist, I can see Venable as DeAza's mirror image in the other corner, with Pearce being DH.

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Even if he isn't we need a fourth outfielder and he will likely be better than Dariel Alvarez this season.

Wouldn't Lough be the 4th OF? De Aza Jones and Pearce.

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