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Bordick on Matusz


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He's a homer because Angelos likes homers. Manfra and Hunter are much much worse. I guess I just don't think he is as bad as the other two.

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Manfra's not a homer, at least not any more than every other local broadcaster. He certainly has some flaws which have been well-documented here, but he doesn't deserved to included with Bordick and Hunter in the homer department.

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Bordick seems to be a nice guy. However, I can't take his ridiculous comments anymore.I turned off the sound after the 3rd inning and watched the game in silence. Some of his comments insult the intelligence of the listeners. I would rather get an honest appraisal of performance than fluff.

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He's a homer because Angelos likes homers. Manfra and Hunter are much much worse. I guess I just don't think he is as bad as the other two.

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I remember a couple of decades ago: Angelos fired Jon Miller because he didn't think that Miller was enough of a "homer." Miller has been doing fine since then, announcing for the SF Giants.
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I could be talking jibberish but Buck usually gives players a chance to succeed before cutting bait. My guess is the Orioles finally realizing he can only face lefties and his roster spot, nor salary, doesn't support that.

Problem is, we all knew this in the offseason.

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I think that Matusz needs a fresh start -- on another team.
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I could be talking jibberish but Buck usually gives players a chance to succeed before cutting bait. My guess is the Orioles finally realizing he can only face lefties and his roster spot, nor salary, doesn't support that.

Problem is, we all knew this in the offseason.

There's a bit of difference between suspecting something based on publicly available information and knowing something. We also all knew that Steve Pearce couldn't play second base, that Ubaldo should have been salary dumped, and that Chris Tillman was a lock for 13 wins and a 3.50.

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First of all, I actually like Bordick, but this guy needs to think before he opens his mouth. The top of the ninth he's going on about how Matusz came in and "slammed the door keeping the Orioles in the game".

What are you talking about Mike? Matusz allowed all 3 inherited baserunners to score. He walked in the first one in and then allowed a bullet double off about a scrub of a RHB as you're gong to find in the majors. Slammed the door?

Yes, Matusz looked good with the K's, mostly against the LHB's but come on Bordick. Get it together man.

To me, it's just more of Bordick being Bordick. He adds absolutely nothing to the broadcast and speaks in constant hyperbole of how great the team is (Adam Jones best centerfielder in baseball) with over the top homerism.

Loved him as a SS, great person. Terrible color guy.

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As for Mr. "Beautiful " Bordick, he works and helps coach some of the Orioles Tough to criticize someone you work with. He also said Delmon Young was a great hitter. I don't listen to what he says because it is like a fluffanutter.

I think you hit the nail on the head. He works out with these guys a lot and it would be difficult for him to say anything negative. (BTW, I think it would be great to add an animated emoji/smiley for a nail hitting a head.)

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As for Mr. "Beautiful " Bordick, he works and helps coach some of the Orioles Tough to criticize someone you work with. He also said Delmon Young was a great hitter.

Maybe he is taking a little broader perspective. There aren't 500 hitters in the entire known universe better than Delmon Young. Delmon would probably hit .300 with power in the Japanese Leagues. He'd dominate Mexican Baseball. He'd be the best player in the Atlantic League. He'd hit .900 with a homer whenever he wanted one for your slow pitch softball team, while playing a darned fine shortstop.

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Yeah, and it's too bad. He's a good analyst and he's lightened up quite a bit, but I think you're right with your analysis. He needs to shape up or he's just going to end up being more of a joke like Dempsey.

This is a good point. I've talked with Bordick multiple times one on one and he's a really, really smart baseball guy. He's a fantastic infield instructor, he's a good evaluator, and he knows the game of baseball as well as anyone. Saying all that, he really struggles at times to show that aptitude while on the air and has overcompensated by being Dempsey/Hunter like in his analysis at times. I really wish he would just tell it like it is, because I know he's a smart guy and I know he really sees what's going on. It's like someone told him in order to be a long time Orioles broadcaster that you have to analyze in an almost comically positive sense about the Orioles.

As arrogant as Jim Palmer can be, the reason I like listening to him is because he will tell it like is for the most part. Same with Gary Thorne. I think both feel secure enough in their careers that they feel like they can actually say what they feel, and not have to taint it with orange colored glasses.

I know Bordick has that ability, I just wonder whether it will eventually shine through or if he will continue to take the safe road and become a homer instead of a real analyst. I hope he chooses the latter but I can understand him taking the former. Afterall, we are talking about a pretty good gig and this is the organization that fired Jon Miller for not being homerish enough.

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This is a good point. I've talked with Bordick multiple times one on one and he's a really, really smart baseball guy. He's a fantastic infield instructor, he's a good evaluator, and he knows the game of baseball as well as anyone. Saying all that, he really struggles at times to show that aptitude while on the air and has overcompensated by being Dempsey/Hunter like in his analysis at times. I really wish he would just tell it like it is, because I know he's a smart guy and I know he really sees what's going on. It's like someone told him in order to be a long time Orioles broadcaster that you have to analyze in an almost comically positive sense about the Orioles.

As arrogant as Jim Palmer can be, the reason I like listening to him is because he will tell it like is for the most part. Same with Gary Thorne. I think both feel secure enough in their careers that they feel like they can actually say what they feel, and not have to taint it with orange colored glasses.

I know Bordick has that ability, I just wonder whether it will eventually shine through or if he will continue to take the safe road and become a homer instead of a real analyst. I hope he chooses the latter but I can understand him taking the former. Afterall, we are talking about a pretty good gig and this is the organization that fired Jon Miller for not being homerish enough.

Agree on Bordick knowing his stuff. He made a good comment during the Red Sox game,about Ortiz cheating more on the fastball to get around on it. He would be great if he would analyze the game. I really don't need to know that was a beautiful pitch or beautiful swing. Analyze what is going on. He seemed to be getting better last year and was talking about why certain things happened. This year it seems fluff and how every coach and player is working hard. It is not from a lack of effort that players make out. Most probably do want to get better because you can make some money in the game.

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First of all, I actually like Bordick, but this guy needs to think before he opens his mouth. The top of the ninth he's going on about how Matusz came in and "slammed the door keeping the Orioles in the game".

What are you talking about Mike? Matusz allowed all 3 inherited baserunners to score. He walked in the first one in and then allowed a bullet double off about a scrub of a RHB as you're gong to find in the majors. Slammed the door?

Yes, Matusz looked good with the K's, mostly against the LHB's but come on Bordick. Get it together man.

Bordick said this about someone else the other day too. Might have been one of our starters giving us a great start, and I was thinking...he went 5+ and gave up 4 runs. I think Bordick is adverse to criticizing the team.

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I know MLB network has done a couple alternate broadcasts emphasizing Statcast and the deeper sabermetric stuff. I wonder if in time RSN's will do something like that.

Like many of you, I find the hometown tilts unlistenable, even when they are for my team.

I get why it happens - I imagine the marketers have determined it's what "most" people want to hear as a base setting.

And I get that this community plays on a deeper level - why I appreciate it so much. At least if the fluff must exist, it can be discussed more intelligently here!

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I don't mind Bordick's analysis but just don't think he's that interesting. Fred and Joe are both great analysts and make the games so much more enjoyable. I listen to other radio broadcasts on Sirius and have not heard a better team. I am surprised more people don't turn down the TV and sync it with the WJZ feed.

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Bordick said this about someone else the other day too. Might have been one of our starters giving us a great start, and I was thinking...he went 5+ and gave up 4 runs. I think Bordick is adverse to criticizing the team.

I think it's SAFE TO SAY Bordick follows the company line to the letter. ;)

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