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The Duquette Conundrum


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Dan Duquette is in a no-win situation with certain fans, some of whom post here.

For every pending free agent he trades now, no matter what the return, some will say, "He didn't get much, MacPhail would have gotten more."

For every pending free agent he retains in order to give him a QO and gain a comp pick, some will say, "He should have traded him and gotten more than a comp pick."

For every arb-eligible player not named Machado to whom he tenders a contract, some will say, "Should have let him go. Guys like that are a dime a dozen."

And for every guy he non-tenders, some will say, "Should have held on to him. He's a Buck kind of guy."

So, I think the best thing that Duquette can do is just not worry about what any of us think. He was probably ahead of me on that, but now he knows I agree.

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He told me, "If you really knew as much as you think you know you probably wouldn't be stuck practicing law."

Fair point.

We all have our burdens. But then, he doesn't have the sugar momma. So who's the smart one.

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There will always be critics and supporters and comparisons to prior GMs and other GMs.

I don't call it a no-win situation.

IMO, a good GM makes the best moves for the short and long term of the franchise taking into account the competitiveness of the major league team. I think DD make some excellent moves in 2012 to get us to the playoffs, but overall I am not a fan of the focus on near term winning at the expense of substantial future wins and a weak farm system.

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Not one's who question his personal ethics and integrity. For certain. I think he stopped reading some of you after that.

I am pretty sure DD has thicker skin than that. If DD won two WS in three years there would be a contingent that whine about what he did not do that cost us 3 out of 3.

I am also pretty sure that DD could care less what anyone on OH posts unless Peter Angelos has an account here.

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Dan Duquette is in a no-win situation with certain fans, some of whom post here.

For every pending free agent he trades now, no matter what the return, some will say, "He didn't get much, MacPhail would have gotten more."

For every pending free agent he retains in order to give him a QO and gain a comp pick, some will say, "He should have traded him and gotten more than a comp pick."

For every arb-eligible player not named Machado to whom he tenders a contract, some will say, "Should have let him go. Guys like that are a dime a dozen."

And for every guy he non-tenders, some will say, "Should have held on to him. He's a Buck kind of guy."

So, I think the best thing that Duquette can do is just not worry about what any of us think. He was probably ahead of me on that, but now he knows I agree.

He knows he can't please everyone.

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If DD's in a no-win situation, it's one that he helped create (e.g., by trading away MiLers, losing draft picks, and spending little/poorly internationally). Even if the O's were closer to making the playoffs (i.e., even if they were legitimate buyers), they'd hardly have any pieces to trade.

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He told me, "If you really knew as much as you think you know you probably wouldn't be stuck practicing law."

Fair point.

Well, maybe, but how many people in a baseball organization (excluding the players, manager and GM) make as much money as a lawyer at a well regarded law firm? Does a scouting director make that much?

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