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Are We Rooting For The Blue Jays or Yanks This Series?


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Some kind of a split I imagine?

I have to get something off of my chest. My 9 yr old son plays little league. At least half of the kids on the team are Skankee fans. The manager for the team is a Skankee fan. I help him coach the team and we are always talking about AL East baseball. I all honesty he is one of the nicest guys you would ever meet. Another dad who's kid plays on the team is a MFY fan and he and I talk baseball all the time. These 2 guys are very kind/complimentary about the Orioles whenever we talk baseball. We all hate the Blue Jays equally. The manager tld me he doesnt really care what happens in the AL East this year just as long as the Jays or Sox dont win the division. Those guys hate Big Sloppi. Hate the bat flipping Batista and Encarnacion, etc.

Now let me be clear, I am no fan of the Yanks, but Ive found myself not filled with my normal Yankee hate so far this season. Its all because me and these 2 Yankee fans talk baseball 3 times a week and its all cordial and even enjoyable. Its hard to believe these guys are actually NYY fans. But we share some mutual hate.

I really feel like I need a shower for typing that about the Yanks.

So who do we root for in this Jays/Skanks series?

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Some kind of a split I imagine?

I have to get something off of my chest. My 9 yr old son plays little league. At least half of the kids on the team are Skankee fans. The manager for the team is a Skankee fan. I help him coach the team and we are always talking about AL East baseball. I all honesty he is one of the nicest guys you would ever meet. Another dad who's kid plays on the team is a MFY fan and he and I talk baseball all the time. These 2 guys are very kind/complimentary about the Orioles whenever we talk baseball. We all hate the Blue Jays equally. The manager tld me he doesnt really care what happens in the AL East this year just as long as the Jays or Sox dont win the division. Those guys hate Big Sloppi. Hate the bat flipping Batista and Encarnacion, etc.

Now let me be clear, I am no fan of the Yanks, but Ive found myself not filled with my normal Yankee hate so far this season. Its all because me and these 2 Yankee fans talk baseball 3 times a week and its all cordial and even enjoyable. Its hard to believe these guys are actually NYY fans. But we share some mutual hate.

I really feel like I need a shower for typing that about the Yanks.

So who do we root for in this Jays/Skanks series?

Neither, I hope all their games go 17 innings or so, can't they tie like 0-0 like it's preseason... :P

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When A-Rod, Tex and Girardi are no longer with the Yanks, they will not feel as toxic to me (but will always be in my top 3 of heated rivals). Gardner is kind of irritating as well, but I'd probably like him if he were on our team. Their entitled fans are the biggest irritants, especially in Camden Yards. Most of the ones I know personally are generally ok. I could be saying just about all of the above about the Red Sox (Papi being the second biggest jerk in the sport behind Bautista).

But right now, the Jays are Public Enemy No. 1 for me (see Bautista ^).

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I truly hate the Blue Jays and their entitled fans. Say what you will about the Yankees, at least they have the history to back it up. Blue Jays fans are insufferable and they've only been good for one year.

I'm rooting for a split but I have to admit it would be nice to see the Jays totally bomb this season.

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I'm all about enjoying this moment while we have it, but we should really pace ourselves here.

Way too early to be scoreboard-watching. We don't even know who's good and who's crap yet, Orioles included.

This happens every year on this site. I don't get it.

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This happens every year on this site. I don't get it.

I guess I get it, it's a long offseason and we're all pretty pumped to finally watch some baseball... but at this point I don't have a rooting interest between division rivals. Chances are one of these teams between the Jays, Yanks and Sox are going to be huge flops.

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