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PED Suspensions Coming


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12 minutes ago, weams said:

"Roger Clemens, who was a member of the 2000 World Series winning New York Yankees, was reported to have been injected with nandrolone (Deca-Durabolin) by major league strength coach Brian McNamee during the 2000 baseball season"

McNamee, haven't heard that name for a while. Only matter of time Cousin Yuri makes a public appearance.

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3 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

If you say so.  Bottom line.  Very few of the guys who are using are actually getting caught.    I think everyone knows that.   Just a few of the "unlucky" or not up to speed on the best methods, like you say.    Nelson Cruz just had the three best years of his career and that was after he got busted.    No one knows for sure, but he probably figured he didn't get caught by testing, just dumb luck in the Biogenesis scandal.   Why stop?

If I say so?


Nandrolone use is directly detectable in hair or indirectly detectable in urine by testing for the presence of 19-norandrosterone, a metabolite.


A number of nandrolone cases in athletics occurred in 1999

Yea, I'd say a known detectable steroid that gained notoriety almost 20 years ago counts as antiqued.


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This is why the anti-PED legislation is what is important here, for the look of things.  People always have and always will cheat, but now we have the PED Po-lice.

The NFL never had such a PED publicity scandal despite rampant use.  For them, it was, "you get caught, you get suspended, we move on".  Took a while battling with the MLBPA for the MLB to catch up.

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