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Sons of Sam Horn bashing Baltimore and O's fans


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i read through that post and found another interesting quote.

As great as Johnson seemed to pitch last night, he's only got 9 Ks in 21 innings. He's not THAT good.

really? no inherited runners scoring all year is no big deal.

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I am 100000000% in agreement with you.

I know I am in the minority here, but I hope that O's fans get nastier -- without getting thrown out -- than ever before in history. These Sox jerks can't be made to feel like its okay to come to Baltimore and act like they are in Fenway.

Its just not right at all. And I am tired of it. When did Baltimoreans become sissified? The Baltimore I grew up in was hardcore and we didn't allow anyone to come into Memorial Stadium pretending it was Fenway or Yankees Stadium or even Kaufmann. We had pride in those days.

I once got threatened by a Sox fan at Camden until they realized I had 20 of my friends with me. We took it outside but they backed down when they realized that there weren't that many cops around and that they weren't on Landsdowne Street in Boston.


I'm with you MSK. I've been involved in dustups with Sawx fans before, although it's never happened inside the stadium. It's called pride in your team and your city. Being nice and polite is fine until they step over the line, which is often with Sawx fans.

IMO, this is absolutely terrible. You're becoming exactly what you claim to hate. Different hats, same behavior. Yuck.

With this kind of attitude, when the O's get good again, you'll be giving other people good reason to diss Baltimore fans, just like the new-phony-tough-guy BOS fans give the Real Red Sox Fans a bad name. It's not called "pride in your team and your city", it's called acting like you're in high school. Jeez.

Please grow up and learn to have some class before you go ruining the reputation for good fans that Baltimore has always had.

ps: A few morons post idiotic things on a BOS message board. How is that any different than this?

pps: Back when the O's were good all the time, you could buy hats and pennants for any team at Memorial Stadium. So what?

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i read through that post and found another interesting quote.

As great as Johnson seemed to pitch last night, he's only got 9 Ks in 21 innings. He's not THAT good.

really? no inherited runners scoring all year is no big deal.

Well they've got a point, he won't be able to continue his success for very long with a K-rate under 4. Its just incredibly unlikely.

I don't think his K-rate will remain that low though. His K-rate in the minors as a starter was in the 6.5-7 range, so I think he'll probably get up to about there as a reliever in the majors.

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The sad thing is that I've been in Fenway a few times for O's Sox games and no one said anything because they aren't threatened at all by us.

That is very true. They don't bother you at all. They think it's "cute" or treat you like the little cousin who isn't quite "all there". It's not bad at all until you factor in the outcome of the game. Of course I drink.

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IMO, this is absolutely terrible. You're becoming exactly what you claim to hate. Different hats, same behavior. Yuck.

With this kind of attitude, when the O's get good again, you'll be giving other people good reason to diss Baltimore fans, just like the new-phony-tough-guy BOS fans give the Real Red Sox Fans a bad name. It's not called "pride in your team and your city", it's called acting like you're in high school. Jeez.

Please grow up and learn to have some class before you go ruining the reputation for good fans that Baltimore has always had.

ps: A few morons post idiotic things on a BOS message board. How is that any different than this?

pps: Back when the O's were good all the time, you could buy hats and pennants for any team at Memorial Stadium. So what?

Always? The Worlds Largest Outdoor Insane Asylum had a reputation of well behaved fans? News to me.

This well behaved fans crap started with CY and the corporate cheese munchers and IMO can leave just as fast as they did. I'm not saying it should be a madhouse, but for a Red Sox fan saying that the O's fans were obnoxious for cheering on their own team in their own park is flat out wrong, and borderline retarded.

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Always? The Worlds Largest Outdoor Insane Asylum had a reputation of well behaved fans? News to me.

This well behaved fans crap started with CY and the corporate cheese munchers and IMO can leave just as fast as they did. I'm not saying it should be a madhouse, but for a Red Sox fan saying that the O's fans were obnoxious for cheering on their own team in their own park is flat out wrong, and borderline retarded.




Not Fenway Park at Camden Yards.

Obviously, I am not the only one who feels this way.


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As an Oriole fan who logged lots of time at Memorial Stadium and Camden pre1997, and who for the last ten years has had to see them in Fenway and Yankee Stadium, I want to stick up for civility. I don't enjoy it when Yankee fans yell vulgar slurs at me because I want to see my team. I don't think it's appropriate either. Cheer for your team, loudly. But I paid for my seat, let me cheer for mine. It's not like a fan of an opposing team broke into your house - they sell the tickets to whoever wants to buy them. It's not a house - it's a baseball stadium.

So please, hometown fans everywhere, get over your Neanderthal/tribal insecurity and treat visitors with whom you disagree with class - it shows a lot more character and self confidence than getting abusive does.

As for the area around Camden Yards being nice - it does depend on which direction you walk from Camden, doesn't it? The neighborhoods west of the park are not doing so great, are they?

I agree with everything you say. I have a hard time doing that though, so I generally don't go to Sox or Yankees games. I don't want to go to the ballpark to argue with people, shout them down or be shouted down. It's just not a fun time at that point and I'm certainly not going to expose my kids to that. If I want that garbage, I'll go to an NFL game.

The neighborhoods directly west of the ballpark are fine from my experience. You have to go beyond walking distance to get to any neighborhoods that are dangerous.

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IMO, this is absolutely terrible. You're becoming exactly what you claim to hate. Different hats, same behavior. Yuck.

IMO, what's absolutely terrible is sissified Orioles fans who roll over, smile, and sometimes even agree when Boston or New York fans come to OUR STADIUM and belittle, besmirch, and mock the team and its fans.

With this kind of attitude, when the O's get good again, you'll be giving other people good reason to diss Baltimore fans, just like the new-phony-tough-guy BOS fans give the Real Red Sox Fans a bad name. It's not called "pride in your team and your city", it's called acting like you're in high school. Jeez.

Please. Here's some information for you. Other team's fans (and the media for that matter, as well as some ORIOLES FANS) don't need me to give them "good reason" to diss Baltimore fans. It happens all the time. Like, for instance, you are doing with your post to me, an Os fan. If defending the Orioles from smug Sox and Yankees fans is the same as "acting like you're in high school," then we need more folks with high school mentalities at the game, and less folks in the stands with knitting needles, cell phones, or backgammon games.

Please grow up and learn to have some class before you go ruining the reputation for good fans that Baltimore has always had.

This type of personal smear is why I left the Sun boards. And it's not worthy of a response other than to say you are way out of line to say I need to "learn to have some class" and that I'm "ruining" anyone's reputation.

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I won't argue that some sections of Camden Yards, especially during student nights, are terribly kid friendly, or terribly opposing-fan friendly.

Especially when the local colleges are having Senior week.

Last night was a perfect storm of free Markakis t-shirts, college kids getting hammered, and the BoSox hatred.

We'll definitely see a more subdued crowd today.

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I was surely one of those obnoxious fans last night: here's what I decided to do.

And yes, this may be over the top, but I 100% don't care:

I decided to go in my Roberts Jersey as usual, but with 1 edition, a brand new New York Giants hat (Mind you I don't even like the Giants). I bought it at 1pm that day. I loved hearing the talk about it too, "hey nice to be a bandwaggoner Giants guy, and all I had to say was,

Nah, I don't like the Giants, never have. It's just nice to see how angry a bunch of bandwaggoner cheaters get when their overpaid, pompus, arrogant faces get pink because the lowley Orioles make Beckett look like a 4 year old on her first day of pre-school.

Go back to your Boston you idiots, oh wait a second, nevermind, go back to the high class suburbs of Washington, and wait for a new train to come around for you to jump on. Maybe this one won't take 3/4 of a century.

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Especially when the local colleges are having Senior week.

Last night was a perfect storm of free Markakis t-shirts, college kids getting hammered, and the BoSox hatred.

We'll definitely see a more subdued crowd today.

I hope not, last night's crowd is one that should be at every game. Kudos to the ushers for letting O's fans finally give back to the Sux fans what they deserved...

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There's a happy middle ground here. We shouldn't be verbally harassing visitors who are sitting on their hands or engaging in pleasant conversation, and I don't think anyone here would do that or is suggesting doing that. Even a little cheering for their team is fine.

Honestly, I have actually been embarassed at the behavior of some Ravens fans when I have gone to a few games. Not often, but a few times. People will start harassing the other team's fans when they aren't even doing anything. That isn't right. And I wouldn't want that to happen at the Yard.

But when groups of Red Sox or Yankees fans come into our park, start harassing us, and try to do all of their cheers like they're back in their own place, that should not be allowed. We must shout them down and boo them out. No Yankee fans chanting the names around the horn, no let's go Yankees, no let's go Red Sox, let's go Manny, etc.

That's like me walking into your house, taking your dinner, putting my feet on your table and grabbing your TV remote out of your hands. Except I'm not the goofy dumb brother in law like on some sitcom, I'm some random jerk off the street who peed on your lawn on the way in.

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IMO, what's absolutely terrible is sissified Orioles fans who roll over, smile, and sometimes even agree when Boston or New York fans come to OUR STADIUM and belittle, besmirch, and mock the team and its fans.

Please. Here's some information for you. Other team's fans (and the media for that matter, as well as some ORIOLES FANS) don't need me to give them "good reason" to diss Baltimore fans. It happens all the time. Like, for instance, you are doing with your post to me, an Os fan. If defending the Orioles from smug Sox and Yankees fans is the same as "acting like you're in high school," then we need more folks with high school mentalities at the game, and less folks in the stands with knitting needles, cell phones, or backgammon games.

This type of personal smear is why I left the Sun boards. And it's not worthy of a response other than to say you are way out of line to say I need to "learn to have some class" and that I'm "ruining" anyone's reputation.

This post speaks more eloquently than I ever could, in support of RShacks point.:rofl:
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We'll definitely see a more subdued crowd today.

Only because I have somewhere to be @ 5pm tonight. I'll make the Tampa fans feel unwelcome. Sure as hell going to do the same to Boston and NYY fans.

This is Baltimore. Simple as that.

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I can't see Orioles fans doing what Yanks and BoSox fans do at Camden. So cheer as loud as you can for your team and if it makes the opposing fans feel uncomfortable, so be it, they have their own ballpark to do the same thing and do no?

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